I apologize for not getting this next sneak peek up sooner!

So, as I'm starting to mend a bit health-wise, I thought I'd share our next sneak peek.

This is a serious Bible study that my own oldest son did as a freshman, and one that we can recommend wholeheartedly.

ROOTED AND GROUNDED is a Bible based study appropriate for a full year of Bible for high school aged students. The study is non-denominationally Protestant with the focus primarily on reading and reflecting upon Scripture itself.

Featuring 27 of Julie Bosacker’s beautiful sketches, an unreached people group begins each unit’s Bible study. Students are also introduced to world missions as they move from biblical knowledge to spiritual application in these topical studies. Geographical, cultural, and prayer information are included as well, making it easy to pray for each unreached people group as you move through the study.

Concepts like Walk as Jesus Walked, A Pure and Holy Life, Servanthood, Unrealistic Expectations, The Principles of Relationship and Fellowship, and Submission and Obedience to Authority, are some of the lesson titles presented in an appealing and easy-to-use format.
Students are required to read directly from the Scripture to complete the Rooted and Grounded Student Workbook. Often Scripture cross-references are used as well. The workbook gives the student plenty of room to write the answers to the corresponding inductive questions, to fill in appropriate blanks, and to record the things that God is revealing to him/her.

There is a memory challenge with each lesson and a memory challenge review schedule included in the student and teachers guide. Lessons include writing assignments when appropriate. Reviews at the end of each lesson can be used as quizzes if preferred. An optional test booklet is available too. Enjoyable artwork illustrates each lesson.

The Teacher's Guide is a necessary component containing all student material, a 46 page Appendix of Bible verses used in the lessons (in both NIV and KJV), and notes/answers for questions students complete within the lessons. While the study can be completed on its own, students will benefit from interaction with a parent when possible.

Here is a link to a Sample of the Teacher's Guide: http://deeperroots.com/wp-content/uploa ... ample1.pdf