Hello. Long story short...I had purchased this program for my 2 daughters last year, and although I thought it was beautiful in every way, my younger dd10 was simply not yet up to the task (she has learning disabilities). I returned it for a refund but the post office lost it in shipment and it never arrived.

So I have spent an entire year feeling regretful about not just jumping in and trying it and letting younger dd do what she could do right along with her sister. Now I am considering it again for the fall.

My question is: Since I have 'lost' a year, if I use it with an 8th grader, and then each package after that each year, she wouldn't do an entire beginning-end covering of all history at the high school level. Does that make sense? WWYD? Beef up this level? Start in another package? I thank you in advance for your wisdom.