I'm at my wits end already. I try so hard to be positive all day long. However, by the end of the day I am just so beaten down by all the bad attitudes, complaining, arguing, whining, crying, eye rolling, dirty looks, etc. that I just want to curl up in my bed and lock my door. And then my husband has the gall to ask me for some of my time tonight.

And, to give him a haircut.

What time? Kids are complaining that school takes longer than ps. Ummm...when you don't start your work until 10am, take an hour for lunch and breaks in btwn...you are not going to be done by 4pm. Sorry. Just not happening. Then, when I've had enough disrespect and abuse and I ground my ds9 for the rest of the week (ummm...one day?), my dh starts shaking his head in disagreement with my punisment.

I'm venting and I appreciate you all indulging me. But really, I'd love to know how you all deal with the attitudes and complaining and such. It has to stop or I'm going to give up. I just can't take it. I have to put up a boundary here. When their negativity and whining is rubbing off on me...it has to stop. Help? Thanks.