He spent his 8th grade year writing persuasive literary essays and it was never easy. He didn't progress in his skills. He has a very low working memory which impacts his abilities in writing (makes written expression difficult along with many other challenges!). He will be homeschooling for the remainder of high school and I'm strongly considering the World History guide with some modifications. I'd like to address those and ask if this is doable or possible for him. If I use the placement chart he places in Missions to Modern Marvels in the writing component and he does struggle with oral narrations; his low working memory impacts this as well. I don't want to place him in the MTMM guide because he is a mature reader who needs to be engaged and challenged by the content despite the narration/writing issues.
Here is a short list of questions and statements related to the modifications I would make for him. I desire to use the guide as close to "as written" as possible but some changes are necessary.

Is it possible to use the World Geography guide but modify the length of the oral and written narrations in order to work with his limitations?
Would it be wise to step back to Essentials in Writing 10? I'm still sorting out the differences between 10 and 11 but I think 10 has some teaching he may benefit from.
**Would I just jump into R&S 7 second half with him? Would I start at the beginning?** I have no idea where he is at with grammar. He has had grammar instruction every year both in private school settings and in various homeschool courses. We used R&S through English 5 (completed it at end of 6th). He used ACE Paces in 7th (they had thorough grammar instruction), had grammar review in his 8th grade Lit/Writing course (and Season 1 of Analytical Grammar which was all too easy). His freshman English teacher was rigorous and thorough; she taught some grammar skills but I don't know what they were. He always scored well on grammar exams.
He did Biology as a freshman so we will either do IPC or Chemistry. The pace of the IPC from World Geog. concerns me.

He will do Algebra II.
He did Old Testament Survey as a freshman. We will keep Pilgrim's Progress but I'm not sure what, if anything, I will do about the Bible portion. How much time is allotted for The Most Important ... Study? I'd like to add in Practical Happiness as we didn't do the World Geography guide. I am considering doing the half credit of Logic and only striving for half a credit in Bible to give a balance and allow him to acquire necessary courses.
He is a strong, avid reader so will likely use the Living Library.
He will do 1/2 Fine Arts credit. He may complete half of the art projects in order to do .75 credit. He earned .25 toward Fine Arts by participating in theater at the school. This would give him a full credit of Fine Arts and utilize that .25 credit that is floating out there

I will only be homeschooling my rising 10th grade son (this one I am talking about) and my rising 3rd grader. I will have a bit more time to dedicate to helping him with the writing and narrations.

I'm drawn to the World History guide because of the literature and how it is taught. He wouldn't need the BJU Literature in the Geography guide as he's had PLENTY of that type of learning in 8th and 9th grade. He is well versed in literary elements and needs a break from that style of literature analysis. The CM style literature approach in this guide is of great interest to me. The electives in the World History guide are also of interest. The only missing element is Logic. It's possible that in lieu of doing a full credit of Bible due to not needing OT Survey we could do a half credit study in Logic.