My oldest DS is on Week 21 of R2R. He’s 12. He should love Medieval History Writing Lessons for the fun writing projects, but the method has him pulling out his hair.
Writing has always been the skill that’s been the most difficult for him, topped off by his difficulty with spelling. When he was young, we tried several Charlotte Mason approaches to language, causing him to sit and stare blankly whenever he was asked to write. He had much better success when I started using Rod & Staff. He could do those writing assignments without too much stress.
Fast forward to HOD, which I absolutely LOVE! It meets all my expectations and goals, but we’re back in bad-writing land again with MHWL. The assignments are all on topics that he loves, but they are just not improving his writing. I find that he’s spending way too much time “dressing up” writing that’s just not good quality to begin with. The approach seems backwards to me. I feel that part of the problem is that the sentences he’s required to write are ones he can’t even diagram yet.
This is a real sentence from his last assignment: “Bustling people hurried along the cold streets, and vine covered, gray stone buildings opening and closing.” We have problems like confused tenses, fragments with long descriptions and no predicate, etc. Not to mention the fact that doors, not buildings, open and close! BTW, the idea for gray stone buildings he borrowed directly from me. He has a very hard time coming up with ideas even though he’s a very creative child. I don’t know how to help him without giving him the answers. Writing is a subject that came quite easily to me, so I feel like I don’t really know how to teach it.
He reads like the wind with good comprehension, although he’s much better at summarizing than remembering details. His R&S writing assignments are pretty well-done but basic, and he does fine on his written narrations, too (aside from spelling mistakes.) However, the fact that he’s writing sentences like these gives me the impression that he’s behind in writing, and I’m searching for how to best help him.

I’m hoping that someone else has dealt with this problem and I’m not the only one! The first thing I considered was ditching MHWL and just doing R&S at a more accelerated pace, because he’s had success in the past with that. I’m thinking that if I could get him through the rest of Levels 5 and 6 (he’s starting 7th grade), he would be more up-to-speed. This approach would also make me feel better because I’d have a goal and a measure of our progress.
My other idea is continuing to do the MHWL projects, but ditching the dress-up requirements. I think it’s better to have a list of ways to make sentences more interesting when needed rather than actually REQUIRING them to be done in every paragraph, especially when paragraphs are close to 4 sentences in length because one can’t think of anything to write! This approach would still require him to create, but would leave me with continued nagging fears over whether he’s really making any progress or not.
I'm wondering how either of these approaches will affect future guides. Is there any disadvantage to being ahead in R&S? How does MHWL compare to the writing programs in subsequent guides?
Your suggestions and opinions will be much appreciated! Thank you in advance!