I have been using Saxon with my boys since my oldest was in 2nd grade. He is now in 6th. I haven't wanted to change to Singapore because I love Saxon's method--the way the concepts are presented so incrementally. With both my sons, I barely have to teach anything until 4th quarter because the lessons draw so much on what they've already learned that they just "get it." I also love the integration with geometry.
This is my first year doing HOD with both of them at once. I love everything about the curriculum, but because of my fondness for Saxon, have not switched over to Singapore Math.
However, since September, my oldest is only able to do half days because of the time it takes him to do his math homework. He is the dreamy and distracted type. He understands all the concepts right away, but does B work because of things like miscopied problems, not completely reading the directions, mistakes with adding & subtracting, etc. I'm starting to wonder if switching might not make it easier for me to fit everything into a day, move him forward at a better pace with HOD, and help him focus better.

Besides that, my youngest will be starting a new guide and a new math grade to go with it in a few weeks. So I'm thinking about his math, too.
Could someone out there who is familiar with both curricula compare them for me? If Singapore has that incremental method and integration, the switch would be an easy decision. If not, I'm probably going to keep him at half-pace and make up the difference over the summers or try backing off on the number of problems he has to do. 10 less problems to do on test days make a huge difference for him in freeing up time.
I hope this doesn't sound too much like promoting.

Thanks so much in advance for your help. You ladies are awesome!