by chillin'inandover » Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:36 pm
My ds is very interested in science so he has read all the One Small Square Books, Apologia Swimming Creatures, Flying Creatures, and Botany. My ds has completed another companies DVD and experiments. My ds has completed Preparing so he is use to completing a 4 day week and completing extra "stuff" that interests him on the 5th day. I have not added to HOD already full days just added extra day each week. When he completed Beyond and Bigger it was a 3 or 4 day HOD week with extra day doing interest led "stuff". Some weeks we don't get to the extras and that is ok. My ds enjoys the rhythm & routine in HOD upper science of Day 1 Notebook, Day 2 Oral Narration, Day 3 Questions, and Day 4 Experiments and follows that to complete extra stuff on his 5th day.
I have come to appreciate the depth of knowledge gained in HOD science, more than I initially realized. My ds has learned to think like a real scientist. Just like real experiments Not All experiments have WOW power, make sense, or succeed. My ds has learned that God has plans for us even during our challenges and failed experiments. My ds has learned that many scientist have been homeschooled or had trouble in school just like him. My ds has learned diligence and patience to follow directions for experiments, to draw, to complete notebook pages, and to understand and answer questions. I have had chats with ds about how God has created everything with order and purpose. My ds has been inspired by the scientist he has read about and desires to be a scientist. I hope that you will continue with science in Beyond and maybe just add to the science as your dc interest lead. Tammy