I had not planned on even looking at this curriculum, but there are some very excited HOD girls over on the homeschool reviews board that peaked my curiosity. WELL, let's just say they made a mess of my neat little plans.

Here is my situation:
I have 3 boys. (actually 4, but my oldest is 16) We did the placement testing on the HOD website and it placed my boys PERFECTLY in:
11 yo- Bigger
7- Beyond
5- Little hearts
Here are details:
First of all, we've been homeschooling for ten years and have tried a gammut of materials. The things I have found to work the best have been:
Five in a row
ACE (while having infants, toddlers and pregnancy)
WinterPromise (but it was too much of a good thing)
Time4Learning (still works GREAT, but is not Christ centered)
Currently, my 11 & 7 year olds are really doing GREAT with Time4Learning which is an on line, multi-media program. They print off worksheets occassionally and do them, but the information sticks, My CAPD boys process through the multi-media.
We are also a family that is very plugged into our homeschool community. I am our counties support group leader and teach 4 classes at our co-op and my boys take co-op and do the county park day. That leaves us w/ 4 days at home for school and one of those 4 days is shortened a bit.
I add this because here is where big programs didn't work for us.
My Questions:
1- Would you use a different program for each child?
2- If I were to use a manuel for each boy for their basics which one would I choose to bring them together in for hx and science?
3- Anyone have experience with a situation like this? When we did the testing everyone fit PERFECTLY, to a "T" in 3 different programs.