Sue G in PA wrote: Does it make you feel better that we are only on Week 7 in Beyond and Bigger and my older boys in RtR are only in Week 15? We started in September.


But...I feel even worse, because you have more kids and I have issues with just one. I can't imagine hs-ing more than one, possibly two, but the rest of you are all saints! We are on Unit 20, but it hasn't been without our noses to the grindstone at every moment. I'm burned out.
I gave her a 30 min timer on math today and she's "just not done". We won't be here tonight because she has karate, so now that'll be yet more time taken tomorrow. She didn't nap on her break, she played.

So she couldn't be THAT tired, but she couldn't even tell me what 3 x 1 was.

She added it. Today she informed me she doesn't even understand what dividing is.

Perhaps kids don't literally explain well what they don't get. I'll hope for this scenario. For the dr's appt she will take her work with her. I always have her do that anyway, but usually it's never completed. She'll circle something, write in the book that she doesn't get it then I check it and have to give her a talk. She doesn't try and she doesn't skip that section and move on. She stops.
I'm backtracking on grammar already. She's not retaining it. She can tell me almost anything about the Bible though and the reading.

This is good. She's not academic, she was quite late in having anythig to do with anything schoolish. I think I've mentioned that before in one of my many other time issue threads. A voracious reader, but not much else. Her thing is playing. That is it. She has improved, but at the expense this year of wondering if I can do this again next year at this pace. The problem is I know she can do it. She just works it.
I'll hope that long division is a wall. Perhaps if I put on paper, what to move to Friday that would be less stressful for me. Re-work the schedule. I've tried the timer on occasion but it comes with sloppy work just to finish before the bell rings. Maybe if I did it for all, it would be a different scenario.
Laura:! Butterfly LOL. You are funny. Thanks..I needed that chuckle! Yes! She is free spirited.! I fear stretching the year. She's on the older range and she's old for her grade level due to her birthday and not wanting anything to do with "school". She's born in June and 11 now and 5th grade. So stretching makes me really worried.
Diet. Yes...cracker queen, lock the pantry, always hungry. She eats 3 times before lunch and one is cereal, one is a full on breakfast I cook, then a snack, then lunch, etc. She'll eat oranges, apples, crackers. I've watched that carb thing for the last year. Ah. yes. Puberty. Yep...she has it ALL except the monthly. Just waiting.
I like the homework BOX idea. I am Charlie Brown's parent. UGH. I hate that.
Time and time again, she has her lunch break and plays instead, then when the break is over, she comes in and starts food. I'm like NOPE! Perhaps I need to make "another" half hour break like Tidbits said and use one for lunch one for recess. (Then the day can be longer

)... but maybe it'll work the opposite. Takes her twice as long to work anyway when she's eating. And FWIW she is ALWAYS hungry!
I just really got to get a handle on this. But seems like I've done it all. Maybe I just have done them all in the wrong order instead of using them all together.