Week in review 01/9-01/13
Week in review 01/9-01/13
Ok Girls,
What was YOUR week Like?
You can post:
a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!
Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!
What was YOUR week Like?
You can post:
a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!
Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!
First year homeschooling Mom to
8 yr old son, BHFHG
5 yr old daughter, LHFHG
4 yr old son, LHTH
newborn 07-26-11
http://mycrazybutjoyfulandblessedadvent ... gspot.com/
First year homeschooling Mom to
8 yr old son, BHFHG
5 yr old daughter, LHFHG
4 yr old son, LHTH
newborn 07-26-11
http://mycrazybutjoyfulandblessedadvent ... gspot.com/
Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
So here's our week! Hope everyone had a good week!
http://mycrazybutjoyfulandblessedadvent ... -0113.html
http://mycrazybutjoyfulandblessedadvent ... -0113.html
First year homeschooling Mom to
8 yr old son, BHFHG
5 yr old daughter, LHFHG
4 yr old son, LHTH
newborn 07-26-11
http://mycrazybutjoyfulandblessedadvent ... gspot.com/
First year homeschooling Mom to
8 yr old son, BHFHG
5 yr old daughter, LHFHG
4 yr old son, LHTH
newborn 07-26-11
http://mycrazybutjoyfulandblessedadvent ... gspot.com/
Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
emqberry - It was fun to read about your week on your blog - cute pictures - and a super week!
I commented there as well. Have a good weekend!
In Christ,

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
Revival to Revolution:
Wyatt has been enjoying his building of a balance scale in physical science this week. He had to balance it on the next day, so this picture is of his imbalanced balance scale.
He has been doing a good job in his science lab book as well. I am impressed with what he is learning in science...

The drawing Wyatt has been doing in RevtoRev has been such fun for me to see. After years of him not being very adept at drawing, he has finally really come into his own and started to thrive with it. I can tell that he enjoys it when he is inspired by something. The inspiration for this drawing was his history reading about Robert Fulton's steamship...

Map Trek had Wyatt showing the battles of 1812, as well as other mapping exercises. I enjoy the combination of skills the history event specific maps along with the "World History Atlas" teach him...

Wyatt has been reading about Lewis and Clark. Wyatt's research was neat - he got to see actual journal entries Clark made. He was a terrific artist! Wyatt's history project let him try his hand at sketching. He first made 'aged' paper, mimicking the appearance of Clark's journal. Then, he chose to draw the "American Eel" using enature.com for his project...
"Seaman", the history Storytime reading, continues to amuse Wyatt. He often laughs as he's reading, or reads his favorite parts to me - it truly is a great book...

The State Study HOD uses has been such fun. Wyatt enjoys the historical readings for each state especially, and he constantly has something he's surprised to learn about each state that he shares with all of us. We are usually surprised too - what a diverse country we live in!

Wyatt likes to replay his classical music CD, listening with his headphones. He often has his morning snack and hot tea while he listens - a sure sign this is a favorite subject of his.

History is one of Wyatt's very favorite subjects, thanks to HOD. Each week we get together with the cousins, and often times, the dc choose to play "store". This is really a chance to "sell" their wares in booths they have individually set up. Everyone is given play money and can visit booths of their choice to spend their money as they wish. Emmett and Beau made pink lemonade in their play blender (though it really does work). Riley wrote a weather forecast (a very funny one). Greyson set up a nerf target shooting game. Shaw set up a lending library of books, and Wyatt wrote a newspaper summarizing current events. He has such an interest in history - not only past - but also history in the making. Thanks HOD, for being an inspiration!

Hope you all are enjoying your start to the New Year!
In Christ,
Wyatt has been enjoying his building of a balance scale in physical science this week. He had to balance it on the next day, so this picture is of his imbalanced balance scale.

The drawing Wyatt has been doing in RevtoRev has been such fun for me to see. After years of him not being very adept at drawing, he has finally really come into his own and started to thrive with it. I can tell that he enjoys it when he is inspired by something. The inspiration for this drawing was his history reading about Robert Fulton's steamship...

Map Trek had Wyatt showing the battles of 1812, as well as other mapping exercises. I enjoy the combination of skills the history event specific maps along with the "World History Atlas" teach him...

Wyatt has been reading about Lewis and Clark. Wyatt's research was neat - he got to see actual journal entries Clark made. He was a terrific artist! Wyatt's history project let him try his hand at sketching. He first made 'aged' paper, mimicking the appearance of Clark's journal. Then, he chose to draw the "American Eel" using enature.com for his project...

"Seaman", the history Storytime reading, continues to amuse Wyatt. He often laughs as he's reading, or reads his favorite parts to me - it truly is a great book...

The State Study HOD uses has been such fun. Wyatt enjoys the historical readings for each state especially, and he constantly has something he's surprised to learn about each state that he shares with all of us. We are usually surprised too - what a diverse country we live in!

Wyatt likes to replay his classical music CD, listening with his headphones. He often has his morning snack and hot tea while he listens - a sure sign this is a favorite subject of his.

History is one of Wyatt's very favorite subjects, thanks to HOD. Each week we get together with the cousins, and often times, the dc choose to play "store". This is really a chance to "sell" their wares in booths they have individually set up. Everyone is given play money and can visit booths of their choice to spend their money as they wish. Emmett and Beau made pink lemonade in their play blender (though it really does work). Riley wrote a weather forecast (a very funny one). Greyson set up a nerf target shooting game. Shaw set up a lending library of books, and Wyatt wrote a newspaper summarizing current events. He has such an interest in history - not only past - but also history in the making. Thanks HOD, for being an inspiration!

Hope you all are enjoying your start to the New Year!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
Preparing Hearts for His Glory:
Riley' has been enjoying his reading about dinosaurs so much, and I can tell he is retaining much from his oral narrations. His expressions as he is reading his independent history are priceless - let's just say he's really "into it".

All of Riley's notebooking he did last year in Bigger Hearts has really helped him become skilled at putting together some neat notebooking pages. HOD's directions are clear and give enough guidance without being too specific. I feel like he is learning so much from these!

We've been reading about Belshazzer's feast in the Bible, and the Lord's hand writing on the wall. Riley adored his history project of writing in "invisible ink", the same message written on the wall in his Bible story. He especially enjoyed revealing the invisible message to his brothers...

Riley's science experiment had him submerging an egg in vinegar. The result was a leathery, rubbery egg. Everyone loved seeing the results of this experiment...

Riley's independent history is linked so well to the Bible. That is another thing I am thankful for with HOD - the Bible is a part of everything. He enjoyed this project so much...

I am glad HOD is teaching Riley how to write good written narrations. The guidelines help him understand what a good narration sounds like, while also letting him completely make it his own. It is good for him to have to try to limit himself to 5 sentences. It helps him try to choose what's most important to include, rather than going on and on (as young dc can tend to do) with no focus. It also makes editing easier, as we can focus on fixing whatever needs to be fixed for as much of an "error free" piece as possible. I allowed him to add 1 extra sentence in this narration, as he was upset he finished his 5 sentences without getting to the "end" of the story. Next lesson, he'll limit it to 5 and begin to have the skills to do that successfully. In this case, the skill of choosing what's important to share is the greater skill, rather than the length of the narration.

Here is what his written narration says, in case you can't read it:
When Esther was Queen of Persia, Haman, second ruler to the king, was plotting to kill every Jew on Earth. Mordecai heard his plan and sent a message to the queen Esther to go before the king, but Esther was afraid because the king had not invited her. But, Esther went anyway, and the king accepted her. The king said, "I will give you up to half of the kingdom, and she told the king I will have a banquet with you and Haman." Then the next day she invited Haman and the king again, and she told them a man in the kingdom is going to kill my people this wicked man is Haman. Then Esther saved the Jews.
He missed some punctuation marks, but I accepted it with a few mistakes, as it is an excellent effort overall, and I want to encourage him to improve in a few areas at a time rather than discourage him by expecting perfection in all areas at once.
Riley and I are really enjoying the creative writing he is doing in PHFHG with Robert Louis Stevenson's poetry. He likes to rhyme, even when he is just writing a descriptive paragraph. Here he took inspiration from RLS''s poem "My Kingdom" to write his description of North Shore, a place he goes fishing with dad...

Math - I just have to say - I LOVE Singapore! Having spent countless time trying to teach dc multiplication facts in ps and in tutoring prior to homeschooling, I cannot say how wonderful it is to have my dc just know their facts thanks to the Singapore way of teaching math. I usually have Riley skip count by the number the lesson is teaching prior to him doing his Workbook, but he knows them already anyway...

What a super week - hope you had one too!
In Christ,
Riley' has been enjoying his reading about dinosaurs so much, and I can tell he is retaining much from his oral narrations. His expressions as he is reading his independent history are priceless - let's just say he's really "into it".

All of Riley's notebooking he did last year in Bigger Hearts has really helped him become skilled at putting together some neat notebooking pages. HOD's directions are clear and give enough guidance without being too specific. I feel like he is learning so much from these!

We've been reading about Belshazzer's feast in the Bible, and the Lord's hand writing on the wall. Riley adored his history project of writing in "invisible ink", the same message written on the wall in his Bible story. He especially enjoyed revealing the invisible message to his brothers...

Riley's science experiment had him submerging an egg in vinegar. The result was a leathery, rubbery egg. Everyone loved seeing the results of this experiment...

Riley's independent history is linked so well to the Bible. That is another thing I am thankful for with HOD - the Bible is a part of everything. He enjoyed this project so much...

I am glad HOD is teaching Riley how to write good written narrations. The guidelines help him understand what a good narration sounds like, while also letting him completely make it his own. It is good for him to have to try to limit himself to 5 sentences. It helps him try to choose what's most important to include, rather than going on and on (as young dc can tend to do) with no focus. It also makes editing easier, as we can focus on fixing whatever needs to be fixed for as much of an "error free" piece as possible. I allowed him to add 1 extra sentence in this narration, as he was upset he finished his 5 sentences without getting to the "end" of the story. Next lesson, he'll limit it to 5 and begin to have the skills to do that successfully. In this case, the skill of choosing what's important to share is the greater skill, rather than the length of the narration.

Here is what his written narration says, in case you can't read it:
When Esther was Queen of Persia, Haman, second ruler to the king, was plotting to kill every Jew on Earth. Mordecai heard his plan and sent a message to the queen Esther to go before the king, but Esther was afraid because the king had not invited her. But, Esther went anyway, and the king accepted her. The king said, "I will give you up to half of the kingdom, and she told the king I will have a banquet with you and Haman." Then the next day she invited Haman and the king again, and she told them a man in the kingdom is going to kill my people this wicked man is Haman. Then Esther saved the Jews.
He missed some punctuation marks, but I accepted it with a few mistakes, as it is an excellent effort overall, and I want to encourage him to improve in a few areas at a time rather than discourage him by expecting perfection in all areas at once.

Riley and I are really enjoying the creative writing he is doing in PHFHG with Robert Louis Stevenson's poetry. He likes to rhyme, even when he is just writing a descriptive paragraph. Here he took inspiration from RLS''s poem "My Kingdom" to write his description of North Shore, a place he goes fishing with dad...

Math - I just have to say - I LOVE Singapore! Having spent countless time trying to teach dc multiplication facts in ps and in tutoring prior to homeschooling, I cannot say how wonderful it is to have my dc just know their facts thanks to the Singapore way of teaching math. I usually have Riley skip count by the number the lesson is teaching prior to him doing his Workbook, but he knows them already anyway...

What a super week - hope you had one too!
In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
- Posts: 304
- Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:01 pm
- Location: USA
Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
I love reading about everyone else's week & seeing pictures!
Julie - I love the cousin's play store! What fun!
Emily - My kids LOVED the seek & find container when we did it the other year!
This week we finished days 4 and 5 of Unit 2 in Bigger and LHFHG and are 3 days into Unit 3 in Bigger and LHFHG I have a hard time blogging once a week with all the fun things we do with HOD! So here are 3 posts about our week...
http://ourlittlethinkers.blogspot.com/2 ... g-art.html
http://ourlittlethinkers.blogspot.com/2 ... tures.html
http://ourlittlethinkers.blogspot.com/2 ... -sand.html

Julie - I love the cousin's play store! What fun!
Emily - My kids LOVED the seek & find container when we did it the other year!
This week we finished days 4 and 5 of Unit 2 in Bigger and LHFHG and are 3 days into Unit 3 in Bigger and LHFHG I have a hard time blogging once a week with all the fun things we do with HOD! So here are 3 posts about our week...
http://ourlittlethinkers.blogspot.com/2 ... g-art.html
http://ourlittlethinkers.blogspot.com/2 ... tures.html
http://ourlittlethinkers.blogspot.com/2 ... -sand.html
Used & Loved LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, & Bigger
Used & Loved LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, & Bigger
Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
Little Hearts for His Glory:
Emmett and I have been reading about the important work Joseph and Moses did for the Lord. We talked about the work each member of our family does each day to help out. Emmett got a stuffed animal to represent each of us, and then traced our names on index cards, labeling each animal to be one of us. Then, we talked about what each member does, and he acted it out with the appropriate stuffed animal. Emmett was happy to act out himself putting clean silverware from the dishwasher away, taking out the garbage bags and replacing them with new ones, and helping set the table for meals.
He wanted to keep the index cards and play with the buddies long after school was done.

This week's Fingerplay is full of fun actions Emmett enjoys.
Here he is rocking side to side like Baby Moses in the "boat"...

Emmett is learning to write his letters and his numbers. I am glad for the way HOD is easing him into it...

We read about Moses in the burning bush. We then read about bushes in science (love the connection), and Emmett got to make an action for the 4 things a bush needs... sun (hands growing up and stretching to the sun), soil (feet stamping), water (swaying back and forth), roots (breathing in air)...

Of course I knew this would be another "LET'S DO IT AGAIN" LHFHG activity!
Loved it! What a good week!
In Christ,
Emmett and I have been reading about the important work Joseph and Moses did for the Lord. We talked about the work each member of our family does each day to help out. Emmett got a stuffed animal to represent each of us, and then traced our names on index cards, labeling each animal to be one of us. Then, we talked about what each member does, and he acted it out with the appropriate stuffed animal. Emmett was happy to act out himself putting clean silverware from the dishwasher away, taking out the garbage bags and replacing them with new ones, and helping set the table for meals.

This week's Fingerplay is full of fun actions Emmett enjoys.

Emmett is learning to write his letters and his numbers. I am glad for the way HOD is easing him into it...

We read about Moses in the burning bush. We then read about bushes in science (love the connection), and Emmett got to make an action for the 4 things a bush needs... sun (hands growing up and stretching to the sun), soil (feet stamping), water (swaying back and forth), roots (breathing in air)...

Of course I knew this would be another "LET'S DO IT AGAIN" LHFHG activity!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
creativemommy - I really enjoyed reading your blog and left some comments there. It looks like you have a wonderful week under your belt!
In Christ,

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
- Posts: 325
- Joined: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:17 am
- Location: Texas
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Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
Mine is up, but it's a bit long and boring
. I have four using HOD but I also put up what my other children are using. I should put a separate one for HOD but to find the time to do more than one post is hard.
I do blog daily, so if you hit the 'Home' button you'll be able to see pics from the week and what we did.
Here is week 16.
http://training6hearts4him.blogspot.com ... ay-80.html

I do blog daily, so if you hit the 'Home' button you'll be able to see pics from the week and what we did.
Here is week 16.
http://training6hearts4him.blogspot.com ... ay-80.html
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing
Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
Homeschooling6 - WOW! I don't think the blog is boring - I think it's AMAZING what you are accomplishing in your day!
I have to admit I'm an avid list maker, and reading through your blog totally appealed to the "I want evidence of my productive day" part of me.
You and your dc really accomplished so much this week. I laughed out loud when I read about Josh hiding - that would freak me out too - and it has as my dc have done the hiding under a blanket thing at the most unexpected times as well.
We are doing PHFHG too - aren't the pictures in "The True Story of Noah's Ark" beautiful? Riley was surprised by the research of the flood story too. He couldn't believe other cultures had their own flood story, and that they were different and yet in some ways the same. I liked your pictures of your kiddos at the top of your blog - what a neat family you have!
In Christ,

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
- Posts: 325
- Joined: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:17 am
- Location: Texas
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Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
Thanks Julie, you're very kind. Yes, we loved the True Story of Noah's Ark. I have read the book to the boys before but it was so long ago that it was new to Brent and Caleb. It gave them things to think about. For instance, Brent, really never thought that once the ark settled that there were no forest. He sees pictures of 'after the flood' in picture books and they always show the 'cartoonish' ark with lots of trees around it. These are things that I forget or get to busy formy3sons wrote:Homeschooling6 - WOW! I don't think the blog is boring - I think it's AMAZING what you are accomplishing in your day!I have to admit I'm an avid list maker, and reading through your blog totally appealed to the "I want evidence of my productive day" part of me.
You and your dc really accomplished so much this week. I laughed out loud when I read about Josh hiding - that would freak me out too - and it has as my dc have done the hiding under a blanket thing at the most unexpected times as well.
We are doing PHFHG too - aren't the pictures in "The True Story of Noah's Ark" beautiful? Riley was surprised by the research of the flood story too. He couldn't believe other cultures had their own flood story, and that they were different and yet in some ways the same. I liked your pictures of your kiddos at the top of your blog - what a neat family you have!
In Christ,

Funny you should mention 'I want evidence of my productive day' because this is one of the reasons why I started blogging six years ago. I wanted to 'see' that we were being productive and getting things done.
I'm enjoying reading everyone's week

ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing
- Posts: 325
- Joined: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:17 am
- Location: Texas
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Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
I love Emmett's action for the 4 things a bush needs. Too cute!
my3sons wrote:Little Hearts for His Glory:
We read about Moses in the burning bush. We then read about bushes in science (love the connection), and Emmett got to make an action for the 4 things a bush needs... sun (hands growing up and stretching to the sun), soil (feet stamping), water (swaying back and forth), roots (breathing in air)...
Of course I knew this would be another "LET'S DO IT AGAIN" LHFHG activity!Loved it! What a good week!
In Christ,
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:34 pm
- Contact:
Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
We had another wonderful week of school this week. I can not imagine using any other curriculum.
Kristin (Mother of ds and dd using BIGGER)
It is not your reaction when people are looking that matters, but what your reactions are when no one is watching that shows your true heart!
It is not your reaction when people are looking that matters, but what your reactions are when no one is watching that shows your true heart!
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:34 pm
- Contact:
Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
You are going to love Bigger. It is really so much fun. We just finished week 15. I am using it with my 9 year old and my 6 year old. And they both are really enjoying it soooo very much! Good luck to you!
You are going to love Bigger. It is really so much fun. We just finished week 15. I am using it with my 9 year old and my 6 year old. And they both are really enjoying it soooo very much! Good luck to you!
Kristin (Mother of ds and dd using BIGGER)
It is not your reaction when people are looking that matters, but what your reactions are when no one is watching that shows your true heart!
It is not your reaction when people are looking that matters, but what your reactions are when no one is watching that shows your true heart!
Re: Week in review 01/9-01/13
Here is a link to our week 18 in RTR http://graceandfur.blogspot.com/2012/01 ... -1912.html
Mom to:
dd 22 college graduate and employed as an Intervention Specialist
ds 18 US2, Loved Preparing, CTC , RTR , Rev to Rev, MTMM ,WG, WH and US1
dd 22 college graduate and employed as an Intervention Specialist
ds 18 US2, Loved Preparing, CTC , RTR , Rev to Rev, MTMM ,WG, WH and US1