As promised, here is our next sneak peek!

We were searching for a good mix of American history and world history that was told narratively. We wanted students to come away with a good feel for what it would be like to live in this time period, but to also have Christian history and heroes interwoven with the more commonly told secular history.

All American History Vol. II: The Civil War to the 21st Century (Student Reader only) by Celeste W. Rakes
Story of the World Volume IV: The Modern Age by Susan Wise Bauer
Hero Tales Vol. II by Dave and Neta Jackson
Hero Tales Vol. III by Dave and Neta Jackson
Rescue and Redeem Vol. 5: Chronicles of the Modern Church by Brandon and Mindy Withrow
Great Events in American History by Rebecca Price Janney
Book of Great American Speeches for Young People Edited by Suzanne McIntire
Note: Since we have already covered the Civil War era and the first part of All American History Vol. II, we will not use the beginning chunk of this book. The same is true for Story of the World Vol. IV and Great Events in American History. We have always made a point to use all, or almost all, of every book that we schedule in an HOD guide.

We also love to have students read about history from varying authors perspectives each year that they use HOD. This variety allows us to choose the "best" combination of book(s) for each time period and to use each author in his/her area of expertise (when compared to the other books available for the time period.)

Sample and Table of Contents All American History Vol. II: ... Sample.pdf
Sample and Table of Contents of Story of the World IV: ... sample.pdf
Description of Great Events in American History:
Table of Contents and Preview of Great American Speeches: ... ung-People
Note 2: While the Hero Tales volumes are written in a larger font and give the appearance of being appropriate for a young audience, we find that the stories in Volumes II and III are often filled with persecution and difficult issues that are much better suited for an older, more mature audience. The tales are often inspiring in spite of hardships suffered and are faith building.

To give you an idea about the people that the students will be reading about through these tales, I'll include the following list: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jim Elliot, Festo Kivengere, Eric Liddell, Watchman Nee, John Perkins, Amanda Smith, Corrie Ten Boom, Cameron Townsend, Mary McLeod Bethune, Brother Andrew, George Washington Carver, Jonathan & Rosalind Goforth, Billy Graham, Betty Greene, Clarence Jones, Gordon McLean, Lottie Moon, Luis Palau, Rochunga Pudaite, Mother Teresa, and Charles Albert Tindley.

Link to sample Hero Tale: ... oStory.htm
Contents of Volume II: ... -Vol-2.htm
Contents of Volume III: ... -Vol-3.htm
Contents and Sample of Rescue and Redeem:
Note 3: We will be using the Book of Great American Speeches in a primary source document sort of way. Again, not all speeches within the book will be used (as it includes over 100 speeches), however we will be using a good chunk of the book. The speeches will be matched to the day's history reading to be read in their historical context.

We look forward to sharing more with you as the weeks pass! We're excited about Missions to Modern Marvels and pray it will richly bless our family and those families who use it.

Just in case you missed our first sneak peek, here is a link to it! Link: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10600