Do you use ALL of HOD? I don't mean skipping subjects, but skipping narrations, boxes in their entirety, or discussions, or bypassing any element every so often for time constraints? Or do you really make sure you cover all elements? Water2wine, I wonder if you completely and totally finish a unit at a time. I'm not condoning skipping any portion of it as I know Carrie might put me in the corner for even mentioning it, although the fly on the wall would love to know how you complete all these guides with all your kids and write them.

I have on quite a few occasions due to whatever we have going on and I wonder whether it's a hindrance in the long run. Logically speaking, not any one item all the time. I guess my battle is whether we pick up where we left off, because we couldn't finish a narration that day or we couldn't get to poetry meanings, or the cooking (I see m3sons praise for reading directions) or would we just say, we ran out of time and we'll just move on to the next unit. At what point do you move on and at what point do you call it good? Do you ladies with fantastic praise reports hit every element?
For someone with a dd who is gabby and on the old end of the guides, I would love to just not move on until we've hit every narration and every element, but she'd be 20 before completing high school.

As I use HOD long term I really see what a fantastic program this is and really I shake my head in amazement to the depth of HOD and the connections that far surpass this curriculum junkie's knowledge of anything I've ever used.
I perused the next guide's sample and it appears to be extremely helpful to have that early on to see what is expected next year. I just went, "Wow"! I better get crack'in!