And for kicks, how do you change up for milder weather months? And winter months? If it were snow, it would be more fun. But it's generally not...and when it is, it's not enough to do anything but be cold and wet!
Exactly what I want to do! I want to start in July and finish late march or early april. I'm actually looking for daily schedule input, but at least I don't feel like we'll be the only ones doing school during the time most are on break! Our springs are just wonderful here! Though we had 69 tornadoes this spring, and June already saw a day with triple digits. I used to live about half an hour from Branson, still in Arkansas. MO is oddly hot for as north as it is. I remember Silver Dollar City some summers...ugh!striving2Bprov31 wrote:Well, I hope this is the response you are looking for..........
We live in Missouri, and July is VERY hot and August is pretty much just miserable between the heat and humidity. But the springtime is lovely here even though there are some thunderstorms. So we take breaks (or a long break) during spring when we can really enjoy being outside. Then, I start the school year in late July or beginning of August because we don't play outside much then anyway. In the wintertime it can be pretty harsh with the cold, so along with school we just do lots of extra reading and board games. Also, outings like the rollerskating rink and things indoors.
I have one friend that finishes her kid's school year at the end of March and starts July 1st, simply because of the weather here! They want to be off of school while it's nice out!
Hope this helps!
While dh has been home this past week (he also works 12 hour shifts, but his is 7 days on, 7 days off, 7 nights on, 7 off) so what we did was did freezer cooking for the next month. We included breakfasts -- smoothies, oatmeal squares, breakfast burritos, muffins -- as well as lunches and dinners. This way in the mornings we have options other than cereal that are quick so we can get outside early so they still get some play time, and then we can school in the afternoon. With the dust storms around here too that normally come in the afternoons, we just can't play outside in the afternoon. Freezer cooking also helps me to be able to do school in the afternoons or get out to inside activities in the afternoon and we still get dinner ready with minimal cleanup. Anyway, hope some of that helps for you!Mom2Monkeys wrote:These ideas are helpful
I need to think of some quick and easy breakfasts that are easy to grab and go outside, with minimal clean up (and not always cereal...lol)
I'll be rethinking our time off as well....maybe taking less big holiday chunks of time and more shorter stretches. We will be starting sooner than I thought for two reasons-- I actually made huge progress with our school room and books todayand we aren't going to be able to go visit grandparents before my original school start date as planned (due to DH getting an ICU job!!!!
) So we will start earlier then take an "everyone off week" then two older boys will take a week or so off to stay with gr'ma and gr'pa, then DD will take a couple-- instead of visiting then starting school. So, it will be a weird stagger start year. We are ALL looking forward to getting started!