Ok, Carrie responded to my post as well as many others about placing 2 kids. With the idea of using LHFHG for most with each one doing their own math, handwriting and phonics then the option was presented to purchase Beyond to do with the older one for only LA and spelling. I have some questions about what this would look like.
1. I have not been able to see any examples online regarding spelling and LA, I am assuming they are pretty thorough, just based on how the rest of the program is set up, any input or comments on these 2 areas?
2. If I use both books using beyond only for LA and spelling how would that work regarding the copywork and how it overlaps with the poetry/rhyme section of beyond?
3. What does this mean then when I am done with LHFHG and moving into beyond, does it mean that I then have to purchase the next level up again for LA and spelling, therefore always working from 2 manuals and ahead in that area and is that a problem? It seems like it would be an inconvenience, I like just having one book and not ALWAYS working out of 2 different levels, any input or comments on that idea or how it works?
4. If I did this idea, what else would I need to start out besides just the guidebook?
5. Off that topic a little bit, in LHFHG the story time set lists books in the package set, however in the guidebook list of needed resources it has Uncle Wiggily favorite bedtime stories listed as necessary however this book is not listed in any of the package stuff.
6. In LHFHG the daily plans have listed pages and activities for some of the options (ie, science=the world God made, bible=family time bible, thinking skills=R&S do it carefully) What if I choose the other options for these as listed in the package (ie science=our fathers world, bible= 101 favorite stories from the bible, thinking=thinking skills master series) Where are the text references for these books?
Ok, I think that is all my questions for the moment, I truly do love the looks of this program. I just want to make sure I am getting the right levels and working it out right so as not to be wasteful and/or redundant.
Thank you so much for all your input it has been invaluable, I am so excited and feel so blessed to have found this curriculum.
Thanks again,