Discovering Mathematics: Independent??
Discovering Mathematics: Independent??
I'm wondering if this program offers any independence, or if I'm going to continue to "teach" the higher level maths to my kids? I think I'm okay through Algebra, but after that...not so sure... 

Re: Discovering Mathematics: Independent??
Bumping for you - also I have wondered this too!
Amanda in WV
DD1, age 7, Beyond Fall 2011
DD2, age 4, LHTH Fall 2011
DD1, age 7, Beyond Fall 2011
DD2, age 4, LHTH Fall 2011
Re: Discovering Mathematics: Independent??
A couple of questions I have on this that will make a difference on how independent DM is/would be...
1. One thing that will affect the level of independence is whether or not your child has been through Singapore Primary Mathematics or not?
A child who has been through SM Primary Mathematics will have an easier time with the thinking process in DM and will likely need you less than a child who is new to the Singapore way of thinking.
2. How independent do you want your child to be? How concerned are you about getting out of the loop with math?
I found my oldest son could be pretty independent in the higher level math programs he was using, but I also found that I was out of the "loop" as far as being able to help him when he did run into a snag. So, with my next son in line, who will be in 7th grade next year, I have made an effort to stay on top of his math lessons each day so that '"I" know what is going on and am more able to help.
With this in mind, with my own second son, I am going to be working through DM with him to be sure I am on top of it, but I am finding this much for doable so far in 6A/6B then it ever was with my oldest son who did a plethora of various math programs through the years.
I'm not meaning to be evasive, but these questions will make a difference in how independent DM is for your particular child.
We have seen such amazing thinking, mental math, and problem-solving skills through SM that I just can't bear to switch my second son in line to a different program, so we will ride the DM route with him and are actually looking forward to it.
On the other hand, for those who have never done Singapore Math, it is looking like we will be offering a VideoText option for those kiddos, as is tough to enter SM so late. Plus, my older son is truly enjoying VT, and I adore the full-text answer key and the thinking he's learning along the way.
A couple of questions I have on this that will make a difference on how independent DM is/would be...
1. One thing that will affect the level of independence is whether or not your child has been through Singapore Primary Mathematics or not?

2. How independent do you want your child to be? How concerned are you about getting out of the loop with math?

With this in mind, with my own second son, I am going to be working through DM with him to be sure I am on top of it, but I am finding this much for doable so far in 6A/6B then it ever was with my oldest son who did a plethora of various math programs through the years.

I'm not meaning to be evasive, but these questions will make a difference in how independent DM is for your particular child.

On the other hand, for those who have never done Singapore Math, it is looking like we will be offering a VideoText option for those kiddos, as is tough to enter SM so late. Plus, my older son is truly enjoying VT, and I adore the full-text answer key and the thinking he's learning along the way.
