Honestly, LHFHG is an inexpensive program. By the time you spend money on workbooks, DVD's, books, etc. you could just own LHFHG.

I wonder if you could just do LHFHG half-speed over 2 years?

Ease into it, and let your dh know you'd be easing into it - technically not doing a full program, but rather taking a lighter approach and easing into school over 2 years. This would be a way to respect dh's wishes, but give your dd what she needs.
I just want to encourage you that my dh was not on board at first either - he has come around!

Please keep in mind I'm thinking of my experience when I ask this question - Would you say it is really that your dh doesn't want your dd doing school full-time yet, or would you say it is really more the final dollar amount spent? I know with mine when it was all said and done, it was the dollar amount, though that was not exactly what he was saying.

Once I realized this, we talked about how much he was willing to spend on our dc's education, and we agreed that I could then come up with the rest in my own way - by tutoring, selling something, watching other dc for an afternoon, buying the dc used clothes to save money, etc.
It helped my dh to see the importance of what I was trying to teach my dc in homeschooling by talking to him about how dc receive a fully funded education in kindergarten in ps, and that just because our dc were being homeschooled, they deserved no less. I understand the need to respect dh's wishes, but some good talks about the "why's" behind what was being said really helped my dh and me, maybe this could help out in your situation too? I had to explain to my dh that in order to homeschool in an academically and spiritually strong way, we'd need to put some money into it, and that just because we were homeschooling, that didn't mean I wanted to give them a less than solid education. Once he understood that, he slowly came around to supporting it not only with words but with funds as well. This has been slow going, but so worth it! I just want to encourage you that often dh's hearts are in the right places, they just are unsure of how this whole homeschooling thing should go.
If you have a certain dollar amount to stay within, then we could all chime in with what's essential and keep you within your budget. You can even order just 9 weeks of the program at a time, many moms do that as it spreads out the cost nicely. Or, if he really wants to wait to homeschool dd fully until she is in second grade, it may be good to point out the need to meet state standards earlier than that, and see what he thinks of utilizing LHFHG over 2 years (which would be less expensive than buying some filler things now and then buying LHFHG later anyway). I hope something here helps - just know you are not alone, and dh's do often come around and become our biggest supporters given time - the results of using HOD over time speak volumes to dh's!

Happy dc... happy mom... solid academics... growing faith... all work together to win dh's over in the long run.
In Christ,