I am finally getting my schedule posted for this year.

In order for my day to flow well, I don't necessarily have to be on the exact times it says on my schedule (and often I am not

I give each child his own schedule, and I keep a copy of these individual schedules in plastic page protectors on a ring on my fridge so that I can easily check at any given time who is supposed to be doing what (and where). I have a one-page schedule for me that includes only the items I am to be doing with my children in the teaching capacity or the maintenance capacity. This keeps my notes to a minimum and shows me at a glance what I'm supposed to be doing.

Here are my boys' schedules for 2010-2011. The items in blue are the ones that are done specifically with me each day.

Don't let this detailed schedule scare you, as it is honestly the order and routine (not the times) that keep us steadily progressing forward each day.

Shaw's Grade 6 Resurrection to Reformation Schedule:
6:30-7:00 Make Bed/Clean up Room/Dress/Groom (30 min.)
7:00-745 Pick Orders/Tape Boxes/Tear Down Boxes (45 min.)
7:45-8:00 Eat Breakfast (finish as needed during first subject) (15 min.)
8:00-8:20 Bible Quiet Time Box (20 min. morning room)
8:30-8:25 Take out garbages
8:25-8:30 Dictation (5 min. kitchen table)
8:30-8:50 Medieval Writing Lessons (or if no Medieval Writing Lesson, then Grammar Lesson) (20 min. kitchen table)
8:50-9:20 Reading About History Box (30 min. morning room)
9:20-9:40 Independent History Box (20 min. morning room)
9:40-10:10 Rotating History Box (Research/Geography/Timeline/Shakespeare) (30 min. morning room)
10:10-10:40 Math (I go over the lesson and am available during assignment time.) (30 min. kitchen counter)
10:40-11:00 History Project (20 min. kitchen counter)
11:00-11:30 Play with Beau (30 min. M/R- Beau's room, T - Playroom, W/F - Computer)
11:30-11:50 Art Appreciation/Devotions/Poetry (20 min. morning room)
11:50-12:30 Drawn into the Heart of Reading (40 min. morning room)
12:30-1:00 Science (30 min. kitchen counter)
1:00-1:35 Eat Lunch/Storytime (35 min. kitchen table)
1:35-1:40 Clear Table/Counters (5 min.)
1:40-2:45 Play Outside for Recess (60 min.)
2:45-3:00 Greek with Dad (15 min. kitchen table)
Greyson's Grade 2 Finishing Beyond Full-Speed Schedule. He begins Bigger Hearts Half-Speed in 2 weeks.
8:30-9:00 Make Bed/Get Dressed/Groom
9:00-9:30 Eat Breakfast (We have oatmeal on a kettle on the stove ready for differing breakfast times or eggs in the microwave.)
9:30-10:00 Play in his room
10:00-10:10 Clean up room, be down by 10:10.
10:10-10:15 Dust Bust kitchen
10:15-10:30 Copywork of Poetry from Beyond (15 min. kitchen table)
10:30-10:45 Math Box (15 min. kitchen table)
10:45-11:00 Language Arts Box (15 min. kitchen table)
11:00-11:15 Emerging Reader Appendix Beyond (15 min. morning room couch)
11:15-11:30 Storytime Box (15 min. morning room couch)
11:30-12:00 Playtime with Beau (30 min. M-Computer, T-Greyson's Room, W-Beau's Room, R-Playroom, F-Greyson's Room)
12:00-12:15 Clean-up
12:15-12:25 Reading About History Box (10 min. morning room)
12:25-12:30 Music Box (5 min. morning room)
12:30-12:40 Bible Study Box (10 min. morning room)
12:40-12:45 Poetry Box (5 min. morning room)
12:45-1:00 Rotating Bottom Left Hand Box (15 min. morning room)
1:00-1:35 Lunch/Storytime
1:35-1:40 Dust Bust
1:45-2:45 Recess Outside (60 min.)
Beau's Age 4 Little Hands to Heaven Full-Speed Schedule:
8:00-8:30 Get Dressed/Brush Teeth/Groom
8:30-9:00 Eat Breakfast
9:00-9:30 Educational Video (30 min. living room)
9:30-9:40 Clean up living room
9:40-10:10 Little Hands to Heaven All Boxes (30 min. playroom)
10:10-11:00 Toys from kitchen cupboard / and Playdough (50 min. kitchen table)
11:00-11:30 Play with Shaw (30 min. - see Shaw's schedule above for rotation)
11:30-12:00 Play with Greyson (30 min. - see Greyson's schedule above for rotation)
12:00-12:15 Clean up with Greyson (15 min.)
12:15-1:00 Play in Room, or in Playroom, or if he hasn't had computer today do computer (45 min.)
1:00-1:35 Lunch/Storytime
1:35-1:40 Clean Up
1:40-2:45 Recess Outside (60 min. all boys together)
Cole's Grade 9 School Schedule (Piloting Some Possible HOD Plans for the Future):
7:15-8:00 Make Bed/Get Dressed/Groom/Unload Dishwasher/Eat Breakfast
8:00-8:50 Pack Orders (basement)
8:50-8:55 Dictation (5 min. kitchen table)
8:55-9:25 Spanish (30 min. kitchen table M/W/F) Greek (30 min. kitchen table T/R)
9:25-9:55 Grammar (Go over lesson/Assign portion to do on own) (30 min. kitchen table M/W/F) Music Appreciation (30 min. T/R Cole's Room)
9:55-10:40 Math (45 min. Mom's room) I'm available as needed.
10:40-11:25 Science (45 min. Mom's room M/T/W reading/questions lessons) (R/F Lab -kitchen counter)
11:25-12:15 Geography (50 min. Mom's room or kitchen table)
12:15-1:00 Literature Study/Composition (45 min. Mom's room)
1:00-1:35 Lunch/Storytime (35 min.)
1:35-1:40 Load dishwasher
1:40-2:45 Recess (60 min. all boys together)
2:45-3:35 Bible Study (40 min.)
3:25-3:35 Typing (10 min.)
Note: Typically, Cole gets up on his own by 6:00 or 6:30 A.M. So, he does his Bible Study and Typing before breakfast. In this way, he is done at 1:00 like the other boys.
In all honesty, out of necessity I have gotten more scheduled as the years have gone by, due to needing to have work time for ME in the afternoons.
