Is this not the truth! I loved your list Julie, lots of great ideas!my3sons wrote: We all think someone else has the better life sometimes - the better house, the better husband, better kids, a better figure, a better relationship with God, a better God-given purpose in life, - oh this comparison stuff is destructive and it is NOT from God. When I choose to be positive, life looks better to me, and life IS better. No one has a perfect life, so it makes sense to quit wishing for someone else's life and make the very best of mine. This gives me PEACE and contentment and JOY.
Pam made me think of another one that really helps and I do not think I listed it and (hard to believe with all my words ) but I have a chore chart and it is awesome. It is just something I made up and the only reason it is awesome is it works for my family. But the reason Pam made me think of it is that laundry is rotated between my older kids. I still do some of it but we have a lot of laundry and it would be difficult to get it all done on my own. Basically the kids end up washing their own clothes and things they dirtied is how it works and I wash the rest. I put two on laundry each week and clothes are hung in outfits if possible. Chore charts are great things though and I have found for us having four times chores get done to be perfect (morning, mid-day, before dinner and after dinner evening). I keep my kids on the same chores for a week and then they rotate times and chores. That way nobody gets a bad deal. It really helps for sanity. Here is a copy of what I use under each "Block" is a velcro sticky with a name so they know they are on that color block for chores. (I am not showing that part but just know that each block 1-6 goes to a kid and I rotate each week) The smaller blocks at the bottom (pink and purple) rotate between my two youngest. The uncolored block stays constant. This kind of chart may not work for everyone but maybe it will help someone.