Our decision to homeschool has already brought my girls closer (have 3 y/o dd too) and me and my 9 1/2 y/o closer. What a joy. I knew I was frustrated during public school and now I know why! Thank you Carrie for your fantastic curriculum that is everything it says it is down to the "you have everything you need around your house to do this'. It's really true! Your curriculum gives me confidence as a teacher. I am not afraid to do what I am doing because of your curriculum and because I know God wants me to do this....He pretty much flung the door open this year and I was more than willing to run through it.
It was a pleasure to get your help at the May fair in Arlington this year. You were extremely helpful even with all you had to do and answer for your customers. Thank you for your passion and your faithfulness to God. It is so evident in this curriculum.
btw, my dghtr had the memorization done by day 2...and so did I

OK, sorry so long but I just can't express how much joy I have in our successful first week of homeschooling ever! We will start LHTH for the 3y/o and DITHOR next week.
God's multiplied blessings to you Carrie! Most Gratefully, Sarah in TX
Oh, I'm still not done! I have to mention that I taught my 3y/o's Sund School class a couple of weeks ago and decided to try out LHTH on them. It went great! My dd has been reciting a-a-Adam and the rest ever since