by 3sweeties » Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:21 am
Just wanted to ask you wonderful ladies to pray for us this week. I found out last Friday that my little guy suddenly turned BREECH!

I am 36.5 weeks, so I have the options of seeing if he flips on his own (which if he doesn't it would be a scheduled c-section) or going in for an external version later this week or beginning of next. There are some risks to the version, one of which is that I have an anterior placenta and if there are complications with it, it would be an emergency c-section right then and there. DH and I have been praying and praying about what to do and I still don't feel complete clarity/guidance, although I am leaning away from doing the version. All this to say, I have never had surgery in my life, so a c-section is very scary to me! I am going to the chiropractor to loosen up my ligaments and see if he'll flip on his own and doing exercises to encourage him also. I go back to the OB tomorrow to see if he has flipped again. I couldn't tell that he flipped head-up last week, so I figure if he did by now I couldn't tell either!
I would really appreciate your prayers and that God would make it clear what is best for our little guy! Thanks so much!
Last edited by
3sweeties on Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jessica~married to my sweetie for 21 years!
[DS17]~U.S. HISTORY 2~2019-20
[DS14]-World Geography~2019-20
[DD12]~ RTR, DITHOR 6-8~2019-20
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