Yesterday, my boys did their last history mapping assignment for Bigger Hearts and I took their picture with it, our globe, and our manual.
This morning, I presented them with a "certificate" for completing Bigger... and we had a decorated cake!

I asked my boys to give a recitation before cake eating. They had to give a "telling" from science and history and recite a favorite poem from the year. They both knew their poems by heart and did such a great job! I was not expecting a perfectly recited poem from memory- but that is what I got from both of them- I thought they would "read with expression" from the guide. My eight year old, in particular, brought tears to my eyes as he dramatically recited his favorite poem "The Railroad Cars are coming!"

I think, in the future, I might have them look through their binders and "tell" on several favorite assignments as that might give a little more direction. My oldest was so busy making sure he had his poem memorized- he forgot to focus on the facts he needed for the "telling."
Anyway- I wanted to share this happy tradition we have started. Todd (Dad) was there, too, as he starts a late shift on Fridays (thru tax season). It was great.