I have a "plan" for this next year, but want a little feedback. I will list my children, ages, birthday, where they fall on the placement chart, and special needs.
Grace - 10 (5/99) ~ Reading (Beyond), Writing (Preparing), Grammar (Preparing), Math (Beyond). She was in 3rd grade at public school last year (held back in 1st because of reading & math). She used a Reading Specialist (begining of year was at a early 1st gr reading level, at end of year @ beinging 3rd gr level), Saw an Eye Therapist -did/does therapy @ home using a CD program, and excelled with those.
Matthew - 8 (4/01) ~ Reading (Beyond), Writing (Bigger), Grammar (Beyond), Math (Beyond). He was in 1st gr (half of year) & 2nd gr (half year) at public school last year. He has SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) and I suspect very High Funcitoning Autism. He used the Reading Specialist as well (begin year at low K/begining reading, at end of year @ just begining 2nd/end of 1st), also saw the Eye Therapist - did/does therapy using CD program, he also benifitted from the teacher being able to use the OT (ocupational therapist) - he coudl NOT see OT, because he was not diagnosed with anything other than SPD. ... but ...teacher could ask OT questions, and get help. - he used a cushion for his chair, they raised his chair & desk, and he was able to have "sensory breaks" (or as we called them "Matthew needs to move around breaks" lol

Samuel - 6 (2/03) ~ Reading (Beyond), Writing (Beyond), Grammar (Beyond), Math (Beyond). He was in K5 at public school last year. He did wonderfully! He was in the second highest group for reading (can read age appropriate books - beginners). He loves to learn, and is my structure boy. He has never really been "homeschooled", went to K4 as well.
Nathaniel - 4 (4/05) ~ Not too concerned with placement. He will be learning alongside others, + basics.

Now for the "plan" ...
I was thinking of using Beyond with the oldest three, for our "core". I would use MUS Alpha for the older two (w/going into Beta if/when Grace was ready), and MUS Primer for Sam. We will be using the LTK (Language Tune-up Kit) CD program with the older two (I have worked/am working with their old RS from school, and this is what we found that will keep them going), and REading Made Easy for Sam. Of course I would use different Spelling lists as well.
For Nathan, I will be using the R&S Preschool workbooks, and some fun things left over from my daycare

Does that sound like a good plan? Would you change anything? What would you change? Add anything?