Let's share our schedules!

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by kamariden » Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:06 pm

Well, I obviously haven't started HOD yet, but I'd like to thank everyone who has posted on this thread. It has been so helpful to read everyone's schedules! Not only does it give me a great view of how you all are scheduling HOD in specific, but it has reassured me as a homeschooling mom in general. I was quite under the impression that most families started school far earlier than we do and that they have this set schedule they follow. I've NEVER been able to follow a schedule in my life! I think I am similar to one of the other moms who mentioned that if you put a time next to a task you start to resent it. Only for me, I'm absolutely terrible at time estimating so when I write things down with assigned times, I can never live up to my own expectations and wind up completely discouraged and feeling like I've failed. So, I've learned just to make lists of what I want to accomplish during the day and put them in order of importance, then go from there. This applies to housework and homeschooling. Knowing that I'm not the only one who works this way and that starting at 9(ish) and not always sticking to routine (per se) is okay..... well....

Thank you!
Happily Married to Luke since 2001
Ethan - doing LHFHG part time, will begin BLHFHG fulltime Jan. 2012
Quintin - doing part time LHTH.
Liam - studying the art of annoying his brothers and taking out anything that has been put away. (toddler)

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by spidermansmum » Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:13 pm

I have been busy today using the computer to get my own schedule sorted.I have one for us woking at half speed with Beyond and LHTH and another for us working full speed.Now I am working on creating a visual timetable of them
- Delighted to have used LHTH,LHFHG and Beyond, Bigger , Preparing and DITHOR
currently Using
LHTH slowly with my 2 year old
Starting Bigger with my 8 y/o About to add on DITHOR
Finishing Preparing with my 12year with ASD/LD

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by mskogen » Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:42 pm

Here is our schedule...The time frames are guidelines.... :wink:

8-9 Bigger with ds 8 and ds 7...we do History, activity below History, Poetry, Bible Study, Music, Science, Storytime.

9-10 Lessons with ds 8 while ds 7 plays with ds 4 and dd 2

10-11 Lessons with ds 7 while ds 8 plays with ds 4 and dd 2

11-11:30 Independent Seatwork

11:30 Lunch

We start pack with Extras and any unfinished Seatwork @ 1 ish when ds has rest time with educational or veggie tale moive and dd 2 takes a nap.

This means we are usually done by 2-2:30 with everything :D We add on Astronomy, Computer, OT History and Art.

This plan will have to change in August when I start ds 4 and dd 2 in LHTH ...I will update when we get there.

Wife to dh since 2000
ds 15 years old, World History
ds 14 years old, World History
ds 11 years old, RTR
dd 9 years old, Preparing
Enjoyed LHTH, LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR, Rev2Rev, MTMM, WG, enjoying WH


Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by WigglesMom » Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:35 pm

Here is our schedule for 2009 doing BHFHG, LHFHG, and LHTH.
Daily Schedule 2009
Daily Schedule 2009
Daily Schedule.jpg (155.34 KiB) Viewed 13846 times

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by my3sons » Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:10 am

I love this thread - it really helps to see other ladies' schedules. Michelle - those blocks of time looks like they will work well. That looks like a nice layout for the day. Val - you are a mom after my own heart here - I do so love tables filled with data and colors. :D It looks like it all fits on one page too, which is always a good idea. Thanks for sharing! :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by MamaBear23Cubs » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:54 am

Wow lots of work into the schedules. I have tried and tried different schedules and make it work. I have bought some recently popular books on the topic and still a 'drop out'. Right now I am going thru a do I really need this stage so all my scheduling/home managment books are out the window (garage sale) and I'm going back to how it was before I started homeschooling. We are taking one day at a time because around here everyday isn't the same. So we are going to do one day at a time. If I have stuff tha t comes up and I cannot do all the stuff scheduled for HOD than the guides will not get open. We will just read and play educational games or just enjoy the good outdoors. Now I do follow a routine but not by time unless it's a day with an outing or some type of appointment.
Generally our day begins around 6-6:30a.m. and by 8 a.m. everyone is dress and ready for the day and we are either about to eat or have eaten. I like beging ready by 8 because sometimes things pop up and it's nice to be ready for the day. We clean which is laundry, dishes in the dishwasher from the night before and handwash morning dishes, and bathroom. I did start school. I have a group activity that includes everyone and then it's time to start switching from child to child. I will sometimes teach my younger two together. We stop for lunch and everyone picks up while I make it ( I usually have a helper) and we take care of afternoon meal dishes and followed by play/free time. After a hour or so my younger two go down for rest/nap and I do more work with my oldest child. Around 3-330 p.m. I have to get everything picked up from our school day and get ready for supper. We eat early around here, 430p.m. sometimes 5 if dinner takes longer than planned. Then we do whatever and start our bedtime routine around 7 and everyone is in bed by 8. We may not all be asleep but we are in bed and usually everyone is crashed out by 9-930 including hubby and I. It is hard some nights because of Awana and hubby and I have TV night (our date night :) )
To some this may sound a bit unorganized but it so works for me. It was when I started to homeschool and tried to change how I did things did I start having a hard time with getting stuff done. I end up being a slave to my schedule so having a general flow to follow helps me. The most important times for me are the 8 am and the 3-30. Everyone being up and ready for the day and the having it all put up and supper started before hubby comes home.
Military wife and Mama to 3 (DD12, DS8, & DD7)
Have used: Little Hands For Heaven, Little Hearts For His Glory, Beyond Little Hearts For His Glory,
Bigger Hearts For His Glory, and Preparing Hearts For His Glory.

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by moedertje » Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:06 pm

On a perfect day, this would be my schedule. Any other day we keep my son that is doing Beyond going and skip individual pre-school time for the 4 year old.

Schedule 2008-2009
7:30-8:00 Mom's Devotions
8:00-8:30 Children's Devotions/Get dressed.
8:30-9:00 Breakfast/Chores
9:00-9:30 Phonics ds 6 (A Beka)/ Little ones play together or hang out in Daddy's office.
9:30-10:30 BEYOND History with activity/Bible/ Snack/Math ds 6
11:00-11:30 Seat work ds 6/ Pre-school ds 4/ Crib Time dd 2
11:30-12:30 Free Time and Lunch
12:30-1:00 Brothers Play together/ Play Time and Reading with dd 2;down for her nap
1:00-1:30 Seat Work ds 6/Read-A-Loud time ds 4; down for his nap
1:30-2:00 Read-A-Loud time ds 6/ Quiet Time, Reading independently.
2:00-3:00 chores/ Rest/Whatever!

Next year it will be more important to keep a good flow when we start LHTH with my ds 4 and dd 2 tagging along. We did some of the activities from LHTH this past year when he was 3 years, next year we will do it again full time.

Looking forward to seeing some schedules with Bigger and LHTH together for next school year.
Raising Arrows; Psalms 127:4
ds17, Class of 2020, now at IHOPU
ds 15, WH
dd 13, MTMM
In year 1 of homeschooling it all started with LHTH for us.

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by MommyInTraining » Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:23 am

Carrie wrote: 12:30 Goes up to nap for his long nap
12:30-3:15 Nap


I hope you don't mind if I pick your brain a bit about your schedule :D !!!

My first question is, PLEASE, I am begging you, how did you get your 2 year old to take an almost 3 hour nap?



Mommy to 6 beautiful blessings:

DD-5yo Little Hands w/Sissy
DS-3yo Little Hands w/Sissy

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by Carrie » Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:19 pm


I'm just catching up on the board now! In all honesty, we used a Babywise version of scheduling for our kiddos when they were babies and then kept them on a set order to the day as they moved into toddlerhood (which for us meant our boys took long naps in the afternoons). We had several babies with severe reflux that still took long naps (so they weren't necessarily good babies overall :wink:) but they knew exactly what to expect when in their day. While I certainly don't agree with all of the Babywise book, there was much in it to ponder leading me to my own looser version of it. :D

With my first son, I used a fairly random schedule, taking my cues from him. He was my very worst napper, although he did sleep all night. The rest of my kiddos were fairly uncomfortable with reflux but were good nappers and good sleepers, once we got their routine down. :D

We also did move the baby's room to the furthest upstairs corner of the house and kept the boys away from being loud right next door to the baby during nap time. :D We close the blinds in the baby's room at nap, play soft music, keep only the special blanket for crib time, read a couple of books, and lay baby/toddler down awake. No special recipe, just a routine, so the little one knows what to expect. No other kiddos are allowed to interrupt me during this "putting the little one down to nap time", unless it's an emergency. The other boys share rooms, so the baby can be alone. :wink:


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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by MommyInTraining » Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:51 pm

Thanks Carrie,

That was very helpful!


Mommy to 6 beautiful blessings:

DD-5yo Little Hands w/Sissy
DS-3yo Little Hands w/Sissy

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by MommyInTraining » Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:51 am

Carrie wrote:9:50-10:50 Plays with educational toys from cupboard with me overseeing

Would you please share what kind of educational toys you used with Beau when he was around 2? I have an almost 2 year old and am having a hard time trying to figure out how to keep him occupied :D !!!!!

Thanks so much!!!


Mommy to 6 beautiful blessings:

DD-5yo Little Hands w/Sissy
DS-3yo Little Hands w/Sissy

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by MommyInTraining » Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:59 pm

I would welcome suggestions from others also on educational toys to use with a 2 year old during school time.

Thanks so much!


Mommy to 6 beautiful blessings:

DD-5yo Little Hands w/Sissy
DS-3yo Little Hands w/Sissy

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by butterfly113 » Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:42 pm

Here is our schedule for this coming school year! I am new to uploading on this board, I hope it works!
4th Weekly Schedule.png
4th Weekly Schedule.png (35.54 KiB) Viewed 13386 times
It came out a little oversized... I'll work on that! :roll: :mrgreen:
Married to Grasshopper for 21 wonderful years.
DS14 Caterpillar - full of life!

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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by my3sons » Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:26 pm

We use a lot of Lakeshore toys for our 2 yo. They come in boxes - which helps make storage easier. They are colorful, fun, and fit the learning needs of toddlers well. I am having my oldest ds show toddler how to use each box, one at a time.
After that, he seems to want to do them on his own because he knows what to do with them. We store them in a bottom cupboard of our kitchen and are trying to train him to choose 1 to play with, put it away, and then choose another to be one of his more independent things to do during the school day. They are kind of expensive, so we collect them over time, but they have been very useful to have. :D Puzzles and coloring also work well for him.

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

Posts: 175
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Re: Let's share our schedules!

Post by MommyInTraining » Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:16 pm

my3sons wrote:We use a lot of Lakeshore toys for our 2 yo. They come in boxes - which helps make storage easier. They are colorful, fun, and fit the learning needs of toddlers well. I am having my oldest ds show toddler how to use each box, one at a time.


Thank you, that is just the information that I needed!!! We have a store not too far from us and I have gotten their catalog in the past.

Thanks again!!!


Mommy to 6 beautiful blessings:

DD-5yo Little Hands w/Sissy
DS-3yo Little Hands w/Sissy

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