A few people have asked in pm's about my scheduling and workboxes. I love to organzie and plan and this is just a bit of what I have been doing.

Here are the kids main Schedules side by side. They have been set up with the subjects in the same order that they are placed in the workboxes. The numbers in the colored boxes to the left correspond to the workbox numbers.

Also notice, above the schedules are what look like little rocks on paper. That is actually a reward chart to be used with my little "store" through the year.
Next...the Bigger Hearts manual (Bryce's). This is where the colors come in from the schedule. Each subject in the HOD manual is numbered (in the order that he will complete the subject) and also in correspondace with the workbox. The numbers in the manual are then circled with the color that corresponds to the color on the schedule I am hoping this will make it easier for him to find the box in the manual that he needs to be working on. The white piece of paper taped over the blue divide is the extension schedule. The divider moves with each day, so the extensions assignment stays right there.

This one is a close-up of Bryce's main schedule.

And...Workboxes. These are Bryce's - my yonger son's are on the bottom, but since I have shown Bryce's stuff for everything else, I will just post his workboxes.

You can't really see them, but the little tags under hte 3rd cubby down on the left side, and the 1st and 3rd cubbies down on the right side say "15 minute Break" - that way, he will know how far he has to work before he gets a break.
If I really wanted to bore you, I have also finished his timeline and histoty/science notebooks, but those aren't nearly as interesting. Who would have known that HOD would appeal so much to my organizational side.