Carrie wrote:water2wine,
My hubby gets a chance at teaching from our guides too when I am gone to the few conventions that we do. He is always amazed (as am I) that he can pull it off. It is a true test of whether a curriculum is open-and-go at our house if my hubby can do it. A teacher he is not, a great business manager he is!
It is a very good test! Really I was impressed how the message still came out and how it all connected. And like I said he did another curriculum and it was not a good one, so he knows what it is like to have things not flow, and have them not learning as well.

So I think in light of that, it was even better for him to see what a day is like using HOD. He was really impressed.

It's fun, he could see they are really learning on the spot and he loved how the character and Bible is woven in and engages them. We even looked down the road a bit to show him how the little ones get to where my big guys are at this point and at the next program online and what I had on the shelf. He was actually interested and excited that we had a plan. So he got the full tour and actually paid attention. I kid about him and the safety issues. But he is a really smart guy and both his parents were teachers (from south Dakota too

) so education and what they are using is really important to him. It was great to have him see we had a really good fit. He knew I was happy and he knew the kids loved it but it was great to have him see how they were really learning and how the program worked. And I know him, he will be bragging at work about what we are using and how he taught the kids. crack me up. Honestly got a call one day from the neighbor. "Your dh has all six kids in the wagon, he is in the wagon...and they are all going down the hill.

Thought you would want to do something." Not kidding. Major big kid, very smart but there is something missing in the part that says I am supposed to be the one supervising, not crawling in the wagon with them...hahaha! He'll be telling glory stories at the water cooler, guarantee it! Great dad, great husband, just needs a little supervision.

Ah to have a fun dad, huh. Kids love him!