I just had to share this. We're reading Eggleston for Bigger... On Friday afternoon, after we'd finished school and played a while, I had the boys do their quiet time (which is like 30-45 minutes of book time for them, and sanity time for me). Anyway, I saw a tiny flash of red as I walked through the room my oldest ds was reading in. There, under the blanket, was my ds huddled with his red Eggleston book, furiously reading ahead. He looked like this:

, when I "caught" him. I had told him he shouldn't read ahead in the books we were doing for school, because I just wanted to savor them with him. He said sheepishly, "I just read a bit... is that all right? It's just so GOOOOOOD, Mom!"
I couldn't get upset - although I did say he should have asked permission - however, I did make him promise to be every bit as excited about it when we read them again together for school. "You're right, Mom," he said. "We'd better save it for school. I can make myself wait. But can we play war again with the cards like we did for school today after reading this? I can hold off then."
Ahhhh, it's a blur when school ends and play begins sometimes, isn't it? But I guess that's a GOOOOOOOD thing!