Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

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Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Post by MainelyJen » Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:10 am

Daisy, that's probably a wise strategy. I still need to find a Christian forum where topics about cooking, keeping the home, and so on are discussed. I find so much inspiration from those kinds of discussions. It's all the other stuff I can do without!
~ Jennifer

Catherine, 14, Where Brook and River Meet
Samuel, 12, Preparing Hearts

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Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Post by gestep » Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:04 pm

This is my new favorite "online hang-out" place. I do still visit others but avoid the OT sections-they really irritate me and I don't need that stress. I can't help but see if HOD is getting the praise it deserves and I admit I will point out the flaws in other programs we have used if someone asks and/or suggest HOD. We are new to HOD but it is EVERYTHING I have wanted in a curriculum (yes, we started already and did not wait until fall :wink: ). I just have to realize not everyone wants the same thing that we do in their homeschool and that is okay (I have to keep reminding myself of this repeatedly). But how can you not love HOD? I agree "poor unenlightened them" is the only answer I can think of :D


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Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Post by momto3ms » Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:00 pm


I haven't even purchased by HOD for next year, and I don't go to the other forum that I used to go to either. I have really been reading and showing my dh what a great program this will be for all of our children for the upcoming school year. I have even started saving so that I can purchase at the conference in July.

Matthew 13yo - 7th grade
MacKenzie 10yo 5th grade
Mason 4yo Preschool
Soon to be official HOD in the new school year

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Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Post by Carrie » Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:26 pm


I'm so glad that you find the HOD board a refreshing, uplifting place to be! :D That is our continual prayer for this board! :wink: I, too, have seen my share of boards that have a less than Christ-centered focus! There are some boards where people feel the need to post a warning that there is "Christian content" in the by-line of their post. :o

Our deepest desire is that this board will be a community of moms and families striving for the Lord's best, who help one another along their homeschool journey to stay true to their original calling. You each are such a blessing from the Lord to us and to one another. He is glorified through your words and actions, and I know it can be tough to feel like you are going against the grain by doing a curriculum that isn't at every convention across the nation! :D

We always pray for the Lord to bring those families to HOD who He knows will be blessed by it. Those moms are each of you! He knows who needs what we offer, and we trust Him to do the leading in each family's life. :D Then, our role gets easier as we just get to help those who He brings to the board and into our lives. :D

I will admit that my hubby and I get our share of tough questions and threads that we come across that can be so hurtful at times. Yet, the joyful, faith-filled emails and comments far outweigh any moments of sadness for us! :wink: We continually find that by remaining joyful and positive and matter of fact in our responses, we can rise above those who feel the need to be negative. We hope that each of you can do the same as you shine your light all around, so others can see that women who love the Lord are different!

It is a privilege to serve you! :D


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Re: Trying hard to be nice on other forums when it comes to HOD!

Post by LynnH » Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:12 am

Your reply struck such a cord with me. I have no doubt that God has led me to HOD. When my ds was in 3rd grade he told me I would homeschool him in 5th and I laughed at him. I never thought I would ever homeschool. We love our ps, I am good friends with many of the teachers and I spend so much time up there helping. My ds kept telling me every few months that I was going to homeschool him. I started praying saying pretty much "Lord this is something I really don't think I can do. If you want me to do it you are going to have to take over and put everything in place and make it so I can do this". He has done exactly that. He made it very clear I was to hs my little guy next year. I then started looking at traditional curriculums and I had a list of everything I was going to do. Problem was God wouldn't give me peace with that. He kept bringing me back to the HOD website. You all were so wonderful in answering my questions and God used everyone to reassure my fears about using something that isn't as traditional as what I am used to. I can't tell you the peace God has given me now. I also see so many things like oral narration that my ds really needs work on that this program will address in a way that won't overwhelm him. Thanks you so much for this board and your willingness to be personally involved in the board and answering questions. God is definately using you and everyone on here.
Mom to:
dd 22 college graduate and employed as an Intervention Specialist
ds 18 US2, Loved Preparing, CTC , RTR , Rev to Rev, MTMM ,WG, WH and US1

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