We have only one "book" choice left for the EXTENSION PACKAGE (targeted at 6th and 7th graders) of Hearts for Him Through Time: Creation to Christ, and we're having a tough time making a decision! I'd love to have your opinions on this one.

We are planning to include the audio for Cat of Bubastes (by G.A. Henty). The Henty books can be tough to read, but this particular Henty book is one we like quite a bit. Cat of Bubastes seems to be easier than the other Henty books, and it does a great job of giving a picture of life in Ancient Egypt. So, we are planning to offer the book on audio and cannot choose between Jim Hodges unabridged audio (which is 12 hours long, only plays on an MP3 player or computer, and is $25.00) or Jim Weiss' abridged audio (which is 6 hours long, plays on a CD player, and is $30). Both are very well-done. The unabridged one has all of the detailed passages right from the original book. The abridged audio removes half of that detail to keep the story moving faster.

We will definitely schedule the listening sessions to be around 30 min. or less until the book is complete, no matter which we choose. If we did choose the unabridged recording, we would also offer the option of getting the book instead of the audio for those who have very strong readers that prefer to read right from the book. Our concerns are that the longer audio with its descriptions may lose some listeners, yet the CM style learner in me loves the idea of the unabridged book. Both are a solid choice, but I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Here's a link to Sing N' Learn where you can hear both recordings. Edited to add: When you click on the links below, it will take you to a description of the CD. Just scroll down until you get to "Click here to listen to a sample", and then click on it to listen.:
Unabridged: http://www.singnlearn.org/khxc/ccp0-pro ... odges.html
Abridged: http://www.singnlearn.org/khxc/ccp0-prodshow/227.html