Well, I had to get this started today! After much time 'off' of school except math, english, and handwriting, we finally got back to HOD full-time this week. I did as some here suggested and started having my oldest read the extension pack on his own, and that has helped tremendously. We began Tuesday...Daddy was heading out of town on Monday, so no
HOD that day. We've finished two days (I know, not a lot) of
HOD...and it has not taken us all day. It has taken somewhere between 1 to 1.5 hours each day for us to cover Bible, Music, Poetry, History readings and/or activity (whatever is in that bottom, left-hand box each day), storytime, spelling (this week was review so involved me),and science. Then, I'm able to leave them to their independent work. I was able to get some work done with my youngest, too. Yeah, I'm so glad it seems to be 'doable' again!

I think with our move, vacation, early pregnancy sickness, etc. we just got off track. Now we're settled in and I can see us making steady progress. My older ds is on track to begin
Singapore 4A in just a few days...which is where I wanted him to be. It will be a little bit into the new year before he gets to
R&S English 4, but that's okay. He is moving steadily through level 3 now, and will get to level 4 in plenty of time to finish it by the beginning of next school year. We will work over the summer with both older kids on English and Math at least, maybe all of it. Anyway, I just wanted to 'check in' with everyone finally, as it's been several weeks since I've had any
real news. Looking forward to seeing how your week went!