We were finishing up some things from last year and I just ordered Beyond and it should arrive any day!! I really want to do American History with my daughters...age 6 and 8 (newly in August)...but as I look through the placement page....my 6 year old will be perfec tin Beyond I believe....but I'm wondering now with my DD8....am seconds away from ordering Bigger....but can I just do the "Learning the Basics" with her using Bigger and still do Beyond history portion together? or would it be better to put the DD8 in Bigger completely...which puts her in Preparing next year and will have her complete the cycle then by 8th grade...am I jumping the gun and I should wait until my current order arrives??

Can I add I am doing LHTH with my 3.5 year old and I have 15 month old that is challenging my very being!! LOL So the thought of doing 2 programs scares te pants off me...yet I have always asked the DD6 to just "figure it out" and go along with the DD8...which I am stopping now bc that isn't working for her at all....okay....thanks ladies...I really apprecaite this board and your opinions...I've been "lurking" for a long time....