Science Experiment and Nature book (This will probably not be our actual nature journal but will be things that stem from that or looking at things under the microscope and sketching type things. But not sure on that)
Art Book
Possibly may combine this with something but my kids do so much art stuff that we may need a separate book. I just would like to capture it all to save rather than having it all over the house.
Language Art Book
This will have copy work, Dictation, DITHR other LA things we do that I make copies of them for but not R&S because I like a bound composition book for that.
Spanish Book
I may include thing in LA but probably will have it separate.
History and Geography Book
I have geography trails and a state study to put in here plus HOD History and Geography notebooking
Bible and verse copywork
We do copy work on the HOD verses with Startwrite. Also in here would be the stuff we will be doing on Friday for Bible on our own that will be fun pages and I am thinking we may from time to time do a Bible creative writing paper to get more practice writing and deepen their understanding at the same time.
I think I might need to combine Art with Bible or Science and Spanish with LA and just put divider tabs there or a divider colored page to try to get it down to three to four books. Keeping in mind that for me every category gets multiplied by four or six for me.

ETA here is a econimical and sturdy magazine box that could be used to hold things that are comb bound plus they have really wide ones.
http://www.discountofficeitems.com/adva ... e&+=%C2%A0