Understanding HS Credits

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Understanding HS Credits

Post by cbenner0723 » Fri Nov 13, 2020 6:33 pm

Hello, It's me again.
This time I have a question about High School Credits. I know I have two years before my kid hits the High School level but I'm trying to grasp this now so I can prepare for the future. I found a post that talks about high school credits but I think I'm looking for more information. ( https://heartofdakota.com/board3/viewto ... it#p122928)
What I want to know is what would these credits be used for and how do I prove them? For instance, if they are used for college, I know colleges sometimes uses high school transcripts, how would I put these credits into a transcript that a college would accept from a homeschool child taught by his mother that only has a masters in business?
Thanks very much!
Carrie Benner
Thanks so much
C Benner
Mom of 6
Wife of a Navy Submariner
Boy 13yr - finished BHFHG and Preparing
Boy 11yo - finished BHFHG and BLHFHG
Girl 7yo - finished LHFHG and partially finished BLHFHG
Boy 3yo
Girl 22 months
Girl 3 months

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Re: Understanding HS Credits

Post by StephanieU » Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:56 pm

Many colleges have no problems accepting homeschool students, regardless of their parents' education level. Some require more information about the classes but many accept just a basic transcript. I would look at some colleges that might be of interest and see what they currently require and what they required Pre-Covid.

Also don't rule out community colleges, which often have open enrollment. They are cheaper and often have smaller class sizes than public universities. And in many states, there are easy transfer agreements to the state schools.
Last edited by StephanieU on Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mom to
DD16 (completed LHFHG-WH, parts of US1 and 2)
DS14 WG (completed LHFHG-MtMM plus some of LHTH)
DD13 MtMM (completed Rev2Rev)
DS8 Bigger (completed LHTH-Beyond)

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:47 am

Re: Understanding HS Credits

Post by cbenner0723 » Fri Nov 13, 2020 8:02 pm

Okay, I'll look at a few colleges but how would I "make" a transcript? Is this something I come up with or is there a website I go too? Do I have to save tests or even create them? I know how to grade things but how do I decide if they earned that credit? For instance my oldest does A and B work but my other son, even with all his effort, barely makes C work.
Carrie Benner
Thanks so much
C Benner
Mom of 6
Wife of a Navy Submariner
Boy 13yr - finished BHFHG and Preparing
Boy 11yo - finished BHFHG and BLHFHG
Girl 7yo - finished LHFHG and partially finished BLHFHG
Boy 3yo
Girl 22 months
Girl 3 months

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Re: Understanding HS Credits

Post by Carrie » Sun Nov 15, 2020 3:16 pm


In each high school guide, we have an complete grading list for each high school subject that you can refer to when keeping grades. :D You can view it in the "Introduction/Table of Contents/Overview/Grading" sample for each high school guide on our website. For example, here is a link to our World Geography Overview and Grading: http://www.heartofdakota.com/pdf/wg-overview.pdf

Simply, scroll through the link above to see each course. After each course's description, there is a materials list followed by suggested grading for that course. Since we have provided course descriptions for you, it is not difficult to make a transcript.

The credits for World Geography listed in the sample above are as follows:

World Geography (1 full-year credit)
World Religion & Cultures (½ credit)
Bible: Scripture-Based Spiritual Growth (1 full-year credit)
Logic (½ credit)
Foreign Language: Spanish I (½ credit)
English I (includes English, Literature, and Composition) (1 full-year credit) OR
Fundamentals of Literature (½ credit) and English/Composition (½ credit)
Science: Integrated Physics and Chemistry with Lab (1 full-year credit)
Math: Algebra I (1 full-year credit)

Total Credits Earned: 6 ½ credits

The credits above are listed on a transcript for your child's freshman year. You can easily create the transcript at a website such as www.transcriptmaker.com (which is the website we used for our two older sons for their transcripts when they applied to college). Then, you just attach the course descriptions after the transcript. You can copy and paste the course descriptions from our website or retype the course descriptions from your guide. Either way works. :D It is not as difficult as you think! You can do this!

If you ever have to prove what your student did, or how he/she earned the credit, you simply photocopy the course description and grading from the front of your guide to turn in to your supervising teacher or school district. When your student completes what is assigned within the guide, full credit is earned. :D

We have heard rave reviews from families who have had to meet with principals or supervising teachers for how well-organized, documented, and thorough the coursework and grading is in our guides. :D


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Re: Understanding HS Credits

Post by mama4z » Thu Jan 20, 2022 2:14 pm

I have a question about online transcript services, if you don't mind me asking here. I saw several of you use Transcript Maker. When I went to their website, I noticed they offer yearly memberships. If it is best to add to the transcript during each year of high school, as opposed to waiting until graduation, do you just pay for the service yearly until all your children are through with high school? Do you lose information if you only pay for a year at a time? I hope I am making sense! Just trying to figure out the best way to go about this process for the first time. Thanks much!

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Re: Understanding HS Credits

Post by LovingJesus » Thu Jan 20, 2022 2:41 pm

I use fast transcripts on-line, and I do pay the low annual fee each year. I started paying it when my oldest was in 9th, and my two oldest are currently in HS. I have found it helpful to record the transcript as I go. I print a copy each spring to have a hard copy of the transcript for each one I am currently completing it for. I have found it to be extremely helpful to have an official place to record grades and courses as we go along. I enter the courses and credits for the year in the fall and the grades each spring.

I hope that helps! :D
Completed HOD: LHTH, Beyond, portions of Bigger & Preparing, CTC, MTMM, DITHOR, WG, US History I

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