Your signature says that your 12yo is doing Bigger with Extensions. I dont know if that was what you started then bumped him up or if that was more than a year ago, but I would suggest going down to Preparing, if he hasn't done that guide yet.
That's what we did with our oldest when we came to HOD and he was your son's age (in 7th). He could not handle CTC and the relief was palpable when we moved him down to Preparing. We got to unit 10 before we made the switch, and were able to jump back into unit 11 in 8th, after he finished Preparing. However, if you're further than that in CTC now, you might want to go back to unit 10 or so when you return, simply to have a decent amount of time in CTC to acquire those skills at that point.
If he has already done Preparing (if your signature hasn't been updated in a while

), then I would slow down and do as the others suggest, doing almost everything orally or with audio.
(In fact, I'd probably do a great amount of Preparing aloud, as well. Allowing him to read the science and Independent History Study only if it is not frustrating for him.)
While you do need to find a way for his reading skills to develop, that doesn't mean that working independently in CTC is a reasonable expectation of someone with Dyslexia. Keep reading separate from the knowledge subjects.
Our oldest graduated

last year after completing WG. He did higher science and different LA (he actually did LA from WG and WH, but reading was not his issue - executive functioning was; his sister with reading issues due to Irlen Syndrome was never able to do HOD's high school LA. She graduated last month after WH.)
Blessings as you decide. I'm sure Carrie or Julie will chime in with their suggestions, too.