Carrie wrote: ↑Thu Jan 09, 2020 1:26 pm
...What are some of your kids favorites from the guides this year?
From Revival to Revolution's Storytime, we especially loved Amos Fortune, The Reb and the Redcoats, and Seaman! I am actually reading these aloud this time (I didn't when either of my older sons did RevtoRev). I am finding I am in a new stage of life, with my oldest son in college and my middle son in his junior year of high school. I have time to read aloud Storytime to my youngest son, and though he is in 7th grade, he loves it! Precious times. Emmett also is loving Four Inventors, and really all of the science books he is reading. He has an entrepreneurial spirit, and this year's science is a favorite of his. I also just love hearing him read his written narrations. He has learned to write in straight lines in his notebook - praise God! He also just is developing his own writing style, and it is neat to hear.
From USI, Riley especially enjoys America: The Last Best Hope. He really likes Bennett's writing style. Riley also truly loves the hymn study - he is somewhat of an 'old soul' that way. Our church has a mix of old and new music, but it is when the old hymns are played that Riley really loves it best. Riley found Ben Franklin's Almanac amusing. Ben's quirky sense of humor and dry wit were entertaining to Riley, probably because he also has a dry wit. The double journal entry for living library is a favorite assignment of Riley's, and I enjoy the great quotes he picks and his insightful take on them. He likes adding to his Book of Centuries. He is creative and his BOC is full of beautiful coloring and careful penmanship. He likes both Government and Constitution Literacy - they are Christian and appeal to his sense of right and wrong. From Lit, he loved The Prince and the Pauper, as well as Rip Van Winkle. He is also enjoying Algebra II this year! A miracle! We are using, and it is a hit!
Wyatt is in his sophomore year of college, but I'll share a bit about his favorites too. His favorite course so far has definitely been Comparative Worldviews! I was thankful for all that we covered in HOD with Biblical Worldview. He also loved his Dave Ramsey Finance course (and he had great training for it thanks to HOD

). Both of us have just been so thankful for all the courses he has been able to CLEP/DSST out of. He uses Instantcert and the REA practice tests to study for these, but we both credit HOD's solid education first and foremost for his ability to pass these tests. Some of the tests he has passed so far are USI, USII, Sociology, Environmental Science, Government, World Religions, Microeconomics, and Business Management. This has saved so much money! We are glad he first completed HOD's high school - we both enjoyed his HOD high school immensely! By the time he graduated, he was then mature enough to be ready for college level tests/work/courses.
What are some of your kiddos' favorites from this HOD year?
In Christ,