Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

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Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by jacynamommy » Thu Jun 29, 2017 9:42 am

My son will be in MTM this year. We have been in HOD from the very beginning, and he has completed all the Singapore math books through 6A/6B, which he finished in Rev to Rev. I am a bit confused by all the different math options this year. Is there a choice that is the natural progression after finishing all the Singapore math books? Since in Rev to Rev you can pick either Singapore or Pinciples of Mathematics, I'm guessing we will move to Videotext or possible No-Nonsense Algebra?? Please, any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you!

Trusting in Him to supply all my needs! Phil. 4:19
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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by StephanieU » Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:11 am

I see three possible paths depending on how well Singapore went and your desires for high school math.
First, you can go straight to Videotext Algebra since it contains PreAlgebra.
Second, you can so Principles of Math (1 or 2 depending on whether he places) and then do Foerster Algebra 1 in WG.
Third, you could do No Nonsense math as a bridge to Foerster. I think Principles of Math might be a better bridge though...
Finally, there is a small possibility that you could go straight to Foerster's Algebra 1. This is rare but not unthinkable.

So the first question is if you want to do Foerster's Algebra it not. Then, of you pick Foerster's, decide which of the three dots his needs best for 8th grade.
Mom to
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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by jacynamommy » Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:47 am

I maybe should add that he is good at math. He enjoys math, and he is looking forward to more algebra and already talking about geometry! I don't see that Foerster's Algebra is even an option in MTMM...I don't want to push him too hard, but he also will be discouraged if he's not being challenged. So what would be the best bridge from the MTMM math options to get him from Singapore to No-Nonsense Algebra or Foerster's in WG?

Trusting in Him to supply all my needs! Phil. 4:19
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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by StephanieU » Thu Jun 29, 2017 11:03 am

If he is good at math, them you will want to go with Foerster's (or Videotext). No Nonsense is very basic and really for those that struggle with math.
In what ways do you think he needs practice before Foerster's? If it is arithmetic, common PreAlgebra topics, go with Principles of Math. If it is just maturity, then No Nonsense might be a great option.
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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by jacynamommy » Thu Jun 29, 2017 11:37 am

I don't know that he does need practice before Foerster's, I just think since it's not an option listed in MTMM, there must be a practical "step" between Singapore 6 and it, and I'm not sure which one that is! Just confused. :roll: And if we want to do Foerster's the next year, then I'm not sure VideoText is the right choice either, as I believe it spans over a couple of years?? Hopefully someone else will chime in too! Thanks!

Trusting in Him to supply all my needs! Phil. 4:19
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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by farmfamily » Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:12 pm

Carrie intends Principles of Mathematics to be the bridge between Singapore 6b and Foerster's Algebra:

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=16637&p=116613&hili ... 7s#p116613

I am quite sure that if your son is good at math he can go straight to the second book of that series. My daughter who is entering 6th grade (and didn't use Singapore) is already starting on the first book of the series and quite a lot of it is review for her (and she is not an advanced math student). Actually, if your son did very well with math, I would be tempted if I were you to go straight to algebra.

My older daughter (also an average math student) started Videotext Algebra in 7th grade and it has worked fine for her. She is almost half way through. The new concepts are bite-sized and we slow down as needed. It will take us more than 2 years to complete the program and I am fine with that. She is getting a very good foundation in Algebra. She also is starting MtMM in the fall and in 8th grade. I guess I didn't pay much attention to which math programs are offered with the guide, rather which one seemed to fit my child/situation at that point.

In your situation, your first step is to choose between Foerster's and Videotext for algebra. If you choose Videotext I think you can start right away. I believe Foerster's is more of an "Honors" level course than Videotext and it doesn't include pre-algebra. Your son sounds like he may be one who is able to "jump in" and do Foerster's right away too (maybe slow down and review if you hit rough spots). If you think he could do with more prep, then do Principles of Math Book 2 followed by Foerster's. (Now take this advice with a grain of salt since I haven't used Foerster's or Book 2 of Principles).
blessed to be married 17 yrs to my hardworking farmer dh, mom to:
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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by jacynamommy » Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:59 pm

Thank you for the link, that was helpful!

I found more info on HOD's website through their World Geography additional packages link. That was super helpful as well!! I am thankful to see that Carrie says a student who has gone through the Singapore books and finished 6A/6B successfully, should be ready to move on to Foerster's. I guess my main question now, is what you who have used Foerster's and/or VideoText would recommend?? What are the strengths and weaknesses of both?

I'm also curious how it would effect math down the road through high school if we choose to do Foerster's Algebra 1 for 8th grade.
Last edited by jacynamommy on Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Trusting in Him to supply all my needs! Phil. 4:19
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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by StephanieU » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:48 pm

If you do Videotext for Algebra, that is two to three years, covering PreAlgebra, Algebra 1, and Algebra 2. Then assuming that goes well, you would most likely continue into Videotext Geometry and Precalculus (another 2 years of math). Then if time allows, you would do Calculus, Statistics, or another advanced math.
If you went straight to Foerster's, then you would do that for 8th, the geometry suggested for 9th, Foerster's Algebra 2 for 10th, Precalculus in 12th, and advanced math in 12th.
If you did a year of PreAlgebra, you would just not have the final year of advanced math.
As for the advanced math, what you pick depends on college plans. There is no reason to take calculus unless your child is going into a field that requires it. Statistics, business math, and "liberal arts" math/problem solving are more useful for every other major. The community college I teach math at strongly discourages students from taking even college algebra unless their degree specifically lists it as a requirement.
Mom to
DD16 (completed LHFHG-WH, parts of US1 and 2)
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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by jacynamommy » Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:19 pm

Thank you Stephanie, you have been extremely helpful! I appreciate you taking the time to help out. As I was working through the catalog and seeing what's offered each year, it all made sense with what you mentioned. Now to decide between VideoText and Foerster's! :lol: Thanks again!

Trusting in Him to supply all my needs! Phil. 4:19
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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by Nealewill » Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:19 am

My oldest is doing the POM series and really loving it. I know Julie and Carrie both had their boys start POM 2 in MTMM since they finished Singapore 6A/6B in RevtoRev. However, if you check the math without boards website, the same company that does the videos for Foersters, they promote Math Mammoth 7A/7B for students to take prior to Foersters Algebra. My oldest is on a great streak where she is and we will continue that path. For my son, he doesn't like to read and the reading for school is enough. He will complete MM.

Good luck with your decision.

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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by Carrie » Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:33 am

The ladies are doing a great job of talking through your options with you! As you approach the high school years, math can be such a tough area to figure out a good transition between one program and another. :D Since one size doesn't fit all, we offer many different ways to meet your math goals depending on your student. :D

All of the suggestions the ladies mentioned are options that you can consider. I will share from my experience this past year with my own student that using Principles of Mathematics Book 2 works well after exiting Singapore 6A/6B. With our third son this past year, who was an 8th grader, we went into Principles of Mathematics Book 2 right after Singapore 6A/6B without ever doing Principles of Mathematics Book 1. The transition was seamless even though the programs are different. We had a good year with some concepts being very easy and others being a bit harder.

Having had my second son in line (who was a senior this past year) go the Foerster's route for math in high school, I would say that Foester's is better saved to begin in a student's freshman year. In looking back, I think it would be a challenge to do Foerster's Algebra I as an 8th grader. It is a wonderful course but is very rigorous. The problem-solving that makes Foerster's math stand out also requires a bit more mature student to be able to process what is being asked. So, having a bit more maturity on one's side before heading into Foerster would be a bonus. :D

If you have an 8th grader coming out of 6A/6B successfully, I would lean toward doing Principles of Mathematics Book 2 next. Then, you could begin either VideoText or Foerster's Algebra 1 as a freshman. This would help your student firm up any needed skills and concepts prior to high school, making the transition to Algebra much smoother in the long run. It would also make the 8th grade year less intense math-wise and give your student a great foundation for the rigor of the math coming in high school. :D


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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by jacynamommy » Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:37 am

Thank you Carrie, I really appreciate you chiming in! My greatest concern with doing Principles of Mathematics 2 this year, is that my son will be bored with it. He is a kid who really needs to be challenged, and I am afraid it won't be enough of a challenge for him to keep him motivated. I looked through as much of that book online as I could, and it seems most of it was stuff that was covered in Singapore. I know he didn't have much, if any, exposure to negative integers, but everything else seemed like stuff he already has a solid understanding of. Did you feel like Principles of Mathematics was repetitive in a lot of ways?
Thank you so much!

Trusting in Him to supply all my needs! Phil. 4:19
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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by » Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:43 pm

I see that many of you recommend jumping from Singapore 6A/B to POM 2 then to Algebra. My ds did public school through 5th, then VideoText modules A and B in 6th, but I thought it was too challenging, so we paused on VT, and now he is in 7th doing POM 1. So should we still do POM 2 also before we go to Foersters Algebra 1? Or would it be too repetitive?
Thank you in advance!!!

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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by my3sons » Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:42 pm

I would do POM 2 prior to Foerster's. POM 2 will not be repetitive of POM 1, and it will do a better job of preparing your son for the rigor of Foerster's. (I have 2 sons who have done Foerster's - it is outstanding! But, it is rigorous. POM 2 will help better prepare him for Foerster's. :D

In Christ,

P.S. If you are feeling POM 1 is too easy for him, you could stop it now and start POM 2. However, I still believe Foerster's is best done as a 9th grader rather than as an 8th grader, unless you have a gifted math student. Hope this helps!
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Re: Finished Singapore 6A/B. What math next?

Post by » Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:24 pm

Thank you Julie!
POM 1 is definitely not too easy. I just scored his points for a midterm grade and he’s at 86%. He was always really good at math in public school but now homeschooling the last 2 years it has seemed tougher. Most of it I think is because he tries to do the worksheets without reading the textbook first. I think since there’s no teacher teaching the lessons he just wants to skip ahead to get it done and maybe doesn’t completely understand the information. I’ll try to make sure he’s doing all the readings from now on, and I’ll get POM 2 for next year.
Thank you!

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