Part of my problem has been trying to plan the next 12 years and trying to make it all work. . . ."I have 3 kids. . .can I successfully carry out 3 programs in 5 years once my baby in ready to start school too. . .what about when I have more children. . .what will i do THEN!!!". . . .I think its safe to say I need to focus on one year at a time. . .and this year LHFHG is perfect for us!!!! I toyed with the idea of just trying to combine some resources on my own but realize that I lack the follow through without a layed out plan! Anyone else like this? And. . .I didn't want to be tied down to a library. . .or fork out $1,000 dollars that I don't have. . .AND HOD is centered around the Word of God. When it's said and done. . .the discipleship of my children is what it's all about. . .
All I need is the final stamp of approval from dh. . .he's a drill sergeant. . .so it might be a few days before I get to talk to him. LOL
Just wanted to share