Letting your child have input in curriculum choices

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Letting your child have input in curriculum choices

Post by TNmom4 » Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:25 am

I'd love some input about this. My DS, 8.5, has done CLE LA for 1st and some of 2nd grade (we don't use it for penmanship or spelling). We started using Rod and Staff as scheduled in the Bigger guide the 2nd half of this school year. I have started really enjoying it and DS has done fine with it, so I planned to continue with it for 3rd grade. The problem is, DS has asked to go back to using CLE. How much input do you allow your kids to have? On one hand if he likes something, I feel like he'll be less likely to fuss, but he's also 8 so I'm not sure he really knows what he wants. Plus, I don't want him to be overwhelmed with too much work when we start Preparing. I've learned being true to each guide provides us with the best and most balanced school day.

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Re: Letting your child have input in curriculum choices

Post by annaz » Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:26 pm

TNmom4 wrote:I'd love some input about this. My DS, 8.5, has done CLE LA for 1st and some of 2nd grade (we don't use it for penmanship or spelling). We started using Rod and Staff as scheduled in the Bigger guide the 2nd half of this school year. I have started really enjoying it and DS has done fine with it, so I planned to continue with it for 3rd grade. The problem is, DS has asked to go back to using CLE. How much input do you allow your kids to have? On one hand if he likes something, I feel like he'll be less likely to fuss, but he's also 8 so I'm not sure he really knows what he wants. Plus, I don't want him to be overwhelmed with too much work when we start Preparing. I've learned being true to each guide provides us with the best and most balanced school day.
This is a funny area that IMO needs to be tread on lightly. If I ask my dd at all, it is a "this or that" scenario. Remember too, children tend to go with what is easy (generally speaking), and they tend to make choices where there is less work unintentionally. Asking too much and too often provides them with an out when they don't like something. YOU decide based on what you see as far as skill and understanding. Is he failing at R&S enough to warrant CLE? Does he understand CLE better? Do you see a difference? Before you ask, understand why he may be asking, then make the decision. Once kids get a hold of having a say, they tend to work it. Speaking from experience.
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Re: Letting your child have input in curriculum choices

Post by StephanieU » Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:40 am

Have you asked why he likes CLE more? Are you doing R&S mostly orally?
Mom to
DD16 (completed LHFHG-WH, parts of US1 and 2)
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Re: Letting your child have input in curriculum choices

Post by TNmom4 » Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:10 pm

Thank you for your responses! Yes, we have been doing most of R&S orally. I think you have a great point about him possibly choosing CLE because it's "easier". He's actually said "it's easy" before. He does prefers to circle and underline answers instead of discussing them orally like we do in R&S. He's a visual learner, so he likes that CLE is a workbook format and he can see the page and the explanations. He's really done fine with R&S though. I have had him write in the book for the portions we don't do orally. I will probably have him continue with R&S unless I see it is a problem.

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Re: Letting your child have input in curriculum choices

Post by snadig » Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:29 pm

I thought I would add in what I did this year. I have done R & S for the past 8 years and this year I added in the worksheet/tests for my DS. I am now doing book 6 for the third time through and the worksheets/tests have been really helpful for my DS...........I wish I would have bought them sooner. They are really cheap for the benefit for us. They even let you copy them, which I forget and should do on the harder lessons.

We do the oral review each day and read through the lesson. I may or may not ask questions from the class practice. It will tell you what work sheet you need in the teacher manual(answers are in the back). I give him the worksheet to do. On the days there is no worksheet you can decide how you want to do the lesson. I also make him tackle the writing assignments. For Chapter review I give him the test to do (open book). This has been the best fit so far and less stressful. It may be that I finally get some of it after 3 tries... :lol:

Hope that helps too!

Stacey in Co

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Re: Letting your child have input in curriculum choices

Post by TNmom4 » Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:51 pm

Thank you! I think those are great ideas!

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