Just started two in LHFHG and considering splitting them?

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Just started two in LHFHG and considering splitting them?

Post by HawaiianMoon4 » Sun Feb 19, 2017 11:42 pm

Well, although the intent was to wait until the fall to begin HOD, we decided to go ahead and start my middle two now! :D We might wait until the fall to start my oldest, although I'm quite tempted to try now. I bought LHFHG with the kindergarten and first grade workbooks for my 5 and 7 year old (both late summer birthdays). We started last week and we've been having fun! However, I feel that my 5 year old just isn't quite there yet as he is just now learning his ABC's. He also doesn't seem to understand what is happening in the Burgess book. They are only 22 months apart in age, and it would be so nice to combine them since I will eventually be running 4 guides if they stay separate, but I also want to make sure I'm matching their current levels. I've also read that it's best not to run guides back to back. When I go through the guide placement, my daughter lines up with Beyond best (7.5 years, 1st grade), and my son lines up with LHTH (5.5 years, Pre-K). I considered buying the supplies to include my 2 year old with his big brother in LHTH this year. If I put them in those levels, besides the fact that I'm starting them in February, :? is there any hope of combining them later?

My 10.5 year old (in 4th grade this year) seems to be resisting the idea of new curriculum. I am tempted to begin him in his CtoC right now as he is advanced and I feel, in particular, that the emphasis on becoming a godly young man in the Res2Rev would be beneficial earlier rather than later. I think he is starting to hit those changes earlier than his mother would like! :wink: He told me tonight, however, that it would bother him to start new curriculum mid-year. By the end of this, I might end up buying LHTH to Res2Rev trying to find the best placements! :roll: I think I'm just afraid to place them on a wrong guide track.
Wife to Jordan 13 years

Mom to:
DS (12.5) - Res2Ref
DD (9) - Bigger
DS (7) - LHFHG
DS (4) - tagging along with some LHTH

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Re: Just started two in LHFHG and considering splitting them

Post by Gwenny » Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:22 am

It sounds like the middle ones are too far apart to combine well. They are almost 2 years, and that can be significant and also boy and girl. Not always, but the boys can take a bit to catch up--especially if he's just learning his ABCs. I would put her in Beyond and him in Little Hands. That gives you a guide in between and that's okay.

As for your older one, do you know why he said that would bother him? I would say that you should make the decision about what is best. If you want to start now--or soon-maybe give him a "warning" and say that you will start in 2 weeks or whatever- I would do that. One idea is that you could give him time by starting the other two for a couple of weeks and then get him going. I would start him at 1/2 speed. That is basically doing 1 day of the unit in 2 days. There are some great posts on here with ideas for doing that.
Dd29 married (w/2 sons 1/2/14, 5/24/16), ds27, dd25 married (w/dd born 8/9/16), dd25, dd22
Dd 19 HS in special ed
Dd14 RevtoRev
Ds12 RevtoRev
Ds 9 Preparing

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Re: Just started two in LHFHG and considering splitting them

Post by StephanieU » Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:39 am

The only way to combine is normally to hold the older one back and/or repeat a guide wth the olders one, as you place the younger and beef up for the older.
But running multiple guides is not that bad! My oldest are just shy of 2 years apart, and my middle two are 20.5 months apart. Having them in separate guides means I can make sure I am reaching each one appropriately, speeding up or slowing down when necessary. Eventually I will have four guides. Luckily, starting in Preparing, Carrie schedules independent things, freeing up some of your time.
Mom to
DD16 (completed LHFHG-WH, parts of US1 and 2)
DS14 WG (completed LHFHG-MtMM plus some of LHTH)
DD13 MtMM (completed Rev2Rev)
DS8 Bigger (completed LHTH-Beyond)

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Re: Just started two in LHFHG and considering splitting them

Post by HawaiianMoon4 » Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:00 pm

Thank you so much for your advice! As much as I'd hoped to combine them, I took the plunge today and bought Beyond and LHTH. I can't wait for them to arrive! :D

I think my oldest is very concerned about not finishing his current curriculum, and that HOD might be a lot more work than what he's currently doing. I'm a bit conflicted also in that he's currently doing Apologia Zoology I. Do I have him drop it mid year and start the Zoology 3 in CtoC? He's also currently using "50 States Under God." One of the things I love is that HOD selects many books and curriculum I already know I like! :wink: He's about half way through it already, however. I see it's used in HOD in Rev2Rev. He has also not had American history at all. Currently, he's reading his way through American history using living books from the library. I'm not sure if we just drop it all and pick up CtoC? :?
Wife to Jordan 13 years

Mom to:
DS (12.5) - Res2Ref
DD (9) - Bigger
DS (7) - LHFHG
DS (4) - tagging along with some LHTH

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Re: Just started two in LHFHG and considering splitting them

Post by Rice » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:57 pm

" I'm a bit conflicted also in that he's currently doing Apologia Zoology I. Do I have him drop it mid year and start the Zoology 3 in CtoC? "

CTC's Apologia is scheduled for just 13 or 14 units! I would continue with what you are doing for science (skipping CTC's Apologia book) and then trying to coordinate finishing what you're on and starting CTC's science plan in Unit 15. Since CTC science is generally separate from the rest of the guide, it won't take away from his other studies and will allow a bit smoother transition, as one subject will be familiar. Hopefully it will work out to move from your apologia into the rest of CTC science, even if you have to work out a unit or two of overlap or a unit or two without needing to do science. :)

DS 21 - GRAD '20: after WG
DD 19 - GRAD '21: after WH
DS 17 - GRAD '22; did CTC-WH + 2yrs non-HOD (🇨🇦)
DS 15 not using a guide this year (DONE: LHFHG-MTMM)
DS 13 MTMM (DONE: Prep-Rev2Rev)
DS 11 +
DD 9 CTC (DONE: Prep)
6yo DS phonics

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Re: Just started two in LHFHG and considering splitting them

Post by my3sons » Sun Feb 26, 2017 9:00 am

Great ideas here already! I am excited for you to begin LHTH and Beyond! I admire your oldest son for wanting to be a 'finisher' - that is a good quality to have! :D Ultimately though, it is your decision what to do for him, and his to do what you decide. Mama just knows best! :wink: I wonder if it might help to get CTC now and begin it half-speed with the end goal of finishing it by the end of his 5th grade year? You could then tell him he is 'working ahead on his 5th grade year' now, rather than falling behind because he didn't finish his 4th grade year curriculum completely (this may be the way he is viewing not finishing it). Beginning half-speed would also give him time to grow into it, alleviating his concerns of it being too difficult and giving you time to get used to teaching 3 guides (which BTW I have always taught 3 guides and found it to work beautifully provided everyone is accurately placed). I hope this helps, but I'm excited for your plans for HOD and homeschooling! You have many happy homeschooling days ahead of you on this amazing HOD journey we're all on!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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