My daughter (10) is extremely bright, and she has been ahead since she was 15 months and asked the doctor if she "could listen to her heart with the stethoscope."

My son (9) is challenged in reading due to dyslexia, and he is slow as molasses to get just about everything done.
But my children are only a year apart in age, and they are VERY close relationally.
Last year, my daughter flew through Preparing. She loved it all! She enjoyed being "independent" because she was smart enough to do it.

Part of me wants to just roll my eyes and tell her to get over it - but the bigger part of me has to take her feelings and our relationship into consideration. My husband and I have seen her become much more "needy" this year, and it all started with her being isolated to do so much school on her own. I have tried having a "Mama Check-in Time" where we do Dictation, review what she's done, read aloud for Storytime - but it truly isn't enough. Her love language is Quality Time, and being required to do so much work independently is truly hurting her heart.

Aside from making God the central focus of our learning, one of the main reasons we choose to homeschool is to build the relationships between our children. We didn't want them to be separated for hours a day, growing apart and away from each other. Yet, I feel that that is happening with HOD - and I don't know what to do about it. My daughter is begging to do her brother's "easy work" just so we can all work together.
Right now, I am at the point where I feel that I may need to look at other curriculum options where I could combine my children in history, science, Bible, and literature - and just separate them for LA and math. I don't want to jump ship and leave HOD, but my children's relationship with me and one another is ultimately what is more important.
Has anyone else dealt with their children feeling isolated rather than independent?