My oldest son will be considered 5th grade next year and is very advanced, quick to catch on, and independent. He is motivated and likes to do things himself. He likes to read and write. I am considering starting him with CtoC but am concerned it won't be challenging enough for him. He will be on the older side of the program and the programs we already use are advanced. I don't want to overwhelm him, however, and want him to feel successful. That being said, I considered adding the extension pack in case it is too easy for him but the notes say they should be for 6th and 7th graders. He is doing Apologia Zoology 1 this year and enjoys it, and he's already done much of the Apologia Astronomy, so I thought doing Zoology 3 in CtoC might keep his interest. I'm just nervous to accidentally downgrade him as I've already struggled with that while switching math curriculum and now have catching up to do.
My daughter will turn 8 in September and will be considered 2nd grade. We struggled with finding a reading program that worked for her, so she is just now starting to see real progress and try to read little beginner books. She tried to read some of her worksheets without me yesterday and was very proud of herself. We will start spelling with a very hands-on program this week. She can't sit still at all during instruction and even does her reading flipping around and contorting in odd positions. She know how to write all her letters and numbers in print but tends to rush quickly through her handwriting, so we still have some work to do. I'm not sure if we should begin cursive next year or if it would be a welcome change? She spends her free time making little books with paper and even adding cutouts that move. It doesn't look as though HOD has lapbook options, but I'm wondering if they would help her retain what she's learning. I was considering Beyond for her next year but wonder if I should go for Bigger? She will probably make a lot of progress within the next 6 months or so still.
My 5.5 year old son (will be 6 in the summer) has had little to no formal instruction so far but we are beginning an early phonics program this week. I'm really not sure how quickly he will catch on. My hands have been full with the older two and a VERY busy 2 year old. We will begin learning to write his letters as well. I'm hoping by the start of next year, he will be ready to begin reading instruction. I'm debating about starting a third program with him, LHFHG, or joining him with his sister in Beyond? He wants to learn and brings me workbooks to do. I don't want to overwhelm myself with three programs, but I also don't want to leave him behind either.
That being said, we are trying to diagnose some health problems I've been having, likely autoimmune, and my energy level does come into play in how much we are able to accomplish at the moment. We spent hundreds of dollars on a unit study program last year that we had to abandon mid-year because it took a lot of planning and preparation and it just wasn't something I could accomplish in this season. I'm sorry this is so long! I just wanted to make sure I gave a complete picture as I don't to waste time and money selecting the wrong levels. An acquaintance showed me her HOD last night and I am getting quite excited!