I'm happy to finally say we are back and have a couple of questions. We are lovers of HOD and have completed LHTH, LHFHG and Beyond, but along the way, we discovered that our oldest had some learning differences and things got tough for us by the time we got to Bigger. He didn't fit neatly into the guide, and we really needed to concentrate on his reading skills. Well, God is Good, in fact He is wonderful and awesome! My oldest did learn to read, and since then, we have discovered that our younger two have dyslexia as well. During our hiatus from HOD, I tried to keep with a Charlotte Mason approach, but I didn't do so well.

I struggled to keep up with poetry, art, and composer studies. However, we did continue on with HOD's read alouds and independent reading, and my kiddos have been thriving with Singapore.
Now we are ready for a new chapter. Our oldest just turned 12 and will be in 7th grade next year. I wanted to put him in Revival to Revolution, because we've been studying the Middle Ages this year, and I wanted him to complete all the guides, but I think I'll take a step back and go ahead and put him in Res to Ref. We were going to have to work through the summer finishing up the Middle Ages and Renaissance anyway, so if I put him in Res to Ref, we can take a little break from History for the rest of the summer.
I guess my question is, what will he miss in the last guide?
Now, for my younger two, they just turned 10 last week and will be in 5th grade. I'm going to put them in Bigger and was planning on skipping Preparing

We've read all the History books for Preparing and most of the science, read alouds and even some of the extensions. I love Carrie's book selection!!!!!
How can I beef up Bigger so we can make a smooth transition into CtoC?

....more writing....more narrating?
Any advice is greatly appreciated. I'm so excited to be back. I really need the structure I get with HOD. Otherwise, I feel like a wanderer with no clear direction.