kzacarkim wrote:Hi Ladies,
I'm here again asking for your wisdom! I'm trying to decide what to do for the coming year. I have 2 boys ages 7 and 9 who are on grades 2nd and 4th respectively. Andrew finished LHFHG and Marcus finished Bigger last year. This year we are doing a combination of things but not following any particular guide. They are in the same level in math and reading and they love doing school together. I'm entertaining the idea of putting both of them on Preparing next year with a few adjustments for the younger one. We use CLE for reading and language arts and I plan on continuing that since its working for us. I just wanted to hear from you ladies that combine children. How do you make it work? At the same time I'm sad that my 7 year old will miss 2 wonderful guides, but I don't want to repeat them with my 9 year old. Just a little bit of my background...I'm a full time nurse and I work 3 twelve hour shifts. Plus I'll have my little girl starting K next year. My husband teaches the days I'm working, but still most of the teaching responsibility is on I think combining would help me....Can I please hear some words of wisdom?
Thank you so much!
If they are currently 7 and 9 in 2nd and 4th grade I am assuming they will turn 10 & 8 sometime this school year? So are you looking for a 10 and 8 for next fall? When do they turn 10 and 8? Are you shopping for 5th and 3rd grade for next fall?
It looks to me like you are thinking of putting them in Preparing next year for a 5th and 3rd grader who will be 10 and 8 at the time. Did I understand correctly?
I wouldn't repeat Bigger with a 10 year old 5th grader; or even a 9 year old 4th grader who will turn 10 sometime this winter or spring.
I think your plan sounds great. If they enjoying learning together I would keep them combined. My children enjoy learning together too.
It sounds to me like Preparing would be a good place to start next fall. My two that started Preparing in September are 10 & 8. The 8 will be 9 in a few weeks and is in 3rd grade. They actually did Beyond together last year, with some additions from MFW ADV and a different science that required writing. They did skip Bigger, and have done a beautiful job in Preparing together. I am finding it to be a good guide for 10 & 8. They are both well placed, and with HOD I do find that good placement makes a big difference.
I wouldn't worry about the guides you skipped since you have been building skills through other curriculum. Yes, it would be nice if we could do everything with our children but sometimes we miss those opportunities and it is OK.
I wouldn't place your 9 too low. I have found too low of placement, which I did with my oldest, to have its own set of problems. He was 11 and in mid-5th when I placed him into CTC, and this fall he has been working on completing CTC for early 6th grade. The guide has been far too low for him, and it has made for a poor fit. HOD works best when they are placed well. Look at the placement chart though and make sure they both place in Preparing before putting them there. I wouldn't look until summer though since they will grow between now and then.
I hope that helps.