I think most of us know that already, but I just encountered something else.

I just bumped my struggling reader/writer up to Preparing. I thought he would panic when I would have him read independently the different things Carrie schedules to be independent. We have done the first 3.5 days of unit 1. She is brilliant how well she slowly gets them doing things. Very short short readings and instructions. The science is the most amazing. Just those 2 pages of Once Small Square: Arctic Tundra. I never would've thought to do that, I would think you need to do more and tried to push more or never would've tried to have him do it on his own at all. Having the big pictures he loves and the text is a good size. The day he was to read then orally narrate, he did so amazing. He could basically tell me everything on the pages. He is an embellisher.

He said, "Now, this is interesting. This caterpillar lives for FIVE years before it turns into a moth. That moth probably only gets to live about a week!" The day with the science questions I was a little skeptical that he would be able to do it. He thought he was going to narrate after reading. When he finished reading he said he didn't think he'd remember anything. Then I pulled out the questions. He was nervous that it involved writing--but was pleasantly surprised that is wasn't a whole bunch and he even got to draw for one of them--his favorite thing to do. He, of course, knew every answer very well without looking at the book.
I have told people before that the guides are so good at working our children toward independence, but I was still surprised at how well Carrie does it!! I wasn't sure how my guy was going to get to be able to do things independently with the struggles he has. She uses such gentle methods, and ones that work to get them going.
How much better for his science for him to be reading just a couple of pages and "chewing" on those than for me to read him a whole bunch from some text just to "get through the material".
I love HOD!