Placement for 1st, 4th & 7th

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Placement for 1st, 4th & 7th

Post by LovemyARC » Wed May 20, 2015 9:43 am

Hi, I am new to HOD. Previously I used MFW Adventures(US history) and then last year we used MFW Exploring Countries & Cultures. For unspecified reasons, I am looking elsewhere for next year. I would like to start our history journey with Ancients. I saw that your LHFHG and HFHCTC both start with that topic. Would they be the most appropriate spines to go with for their ages? Would I use two spines, one for my soon to be 1st grader (turns 6 in July) and the other for both my 4th grader (turns 10 in Sept) and 7th grader (just turned 12 in Feb)? If I continue with HOD, would I stay on the same schedule, just going up one book in sequence? Also, other questions: Does any of the programs include Art, or do I purchase that separately? Is there a lot of hands-on activities to choose from? Is the "reading made easy program" a phonics program that is separate from reading or is it together (I had heard that they are two separate things). Lastly, I added up all the books that I would need to buy for both programs and ages in history and reading (that I couldn't find in my library) and it totaled an additional $400.00. So, I'm wondering, are all the books listed "required" books, or is there a list for substitutions? Thanks for your help.

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Re: Placement for 1st, 4th & 7th

Post by StephanieU » Wed May 20, 2015 10:09 am

I would start by reading the posts here to learn more about how HOD works: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9344
Once you complete one guide, you move on to the next. They guides increase in difficulty and length of day.
Mom to
DD16 (completed LHFHG-WH, parts of US1 and 2)
DS14 WG (completed LHFHG-MtMM plus some of LHTH)
DD13 MtMM (completed Rev2Rev)
DS8 Bigger (completed LHTH-Beyond)

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Re: Placement for 1st, 4th & 7th

Post by Jennymommy » Wed May 20, 2015 11:26 am

A call to HOD will probably help you to sort things out as well 8)

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Re: Placement for 1st, 4th & 7th

Post by jacynamommy » Wed May 20, 2015 3:20 pm

Hi! We have been using HOD for 6 years, and our family has been so blessed by it!!! It is wonderful for me because all of my plans are laid out for me, and I am certain I have all my bases covered. My kids have learned so much, have grown so independent in their work, and are amazing readers and learners. I would say that LHFHG is a great place to put your soon to be 1st grader. I used that with all of my kiddos for K/1st grade. I had my 4th and 5th grader combined in CTC this year, so I think you could probably combine your 4th and 7th grader in that as well. I know there are "extension packages" for older students (CTC says extending for ages 12-13), so you may or may need not that depending where your oldest child is at academically. Yes, we move up one guide book each year, which keeps it easy. There are some simple art projects that go along with History or Science in LHFHG maybe once a week. In CTC, there is a weekly painting project using watercolors that goes along with the poetry reading that week. I would say you wouldn't need anything additional, unless you just desire more. My kids love art, so I just let them do whatever art they enjoy in addition to our school art. There are lots of hands-on projects in both guides, and that's also one of my favorite things about HOD! We used The Reading Lesson for phonics, so I can't speak for the Reading Made Easy Program. The Reading Lesson has worked wonderfully for all 4 of my kids who have used it! I would definitely recommend buying the history books. You will need them! As for the reading books, you don't have to use the books HOD recommends. I always end up buying them because it's just easier for me than trying to find other books or chase them down at the library. Plus, they are always wonderful books! But I understand the expense too! Even in CTC, you can use the Drawn Into The Heart Of Reading with any books. They do have a sample list of book ideas you can buy from them for super cheap to give you other reading ideas too. Hope this helps a bit!!

Trusting in Him to supply all my needs! Phil. 4:19
Mommy to:
Quinter 15 WG
Gabry 13 WG
Ainsley 12 Res to Ref
Bryn 9 Preparing
Silas 6 Beyond

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Re: Placement for 1st, 4th & 7th

Post by gardenmama28 » Wed May 20, 2015 4:28 pm

I won't try to answer all of your questions, but here are some thoughts. We did reading made Easy this year with my 7 year old who was still not reading yet at the start of the year. I my opinion, you should not start Reading Made Easy until your child already knows the individual sounds for each letter. I was going to start my 5 year old (who had not had phonics instruction) but it was too hard for her to remember all the letter sounds as they are introduced fairly quickly.

It is a learn to read program, you wouldn't really be doing any extra reading because your child is still just learning blends and stuff as you go. if your child already knows how to read you should start with the emerging readers book set. Lessons are about 20 minutes long, with scripted dialogue between you and your child, along with activities you can add for further reinforcement. Our experience with Reading Made easy was excellent. My daughter went from not reading in September, we finished the Reading Made Easy book in March, and now in May she is reading chapter books like the Boxcar Children.

If you are an art person, you will probably not be satisfied with the art in the lower guides. I don't know about the higher guides but up until Beyond, it is more like crafts than art, in my opinion. Still fun for the kids, but more just little projects rather than actual art instruction.

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Re: Placement for 1st, 4th & 7th

Post by LovemyARC » Thu May 21, 2015 3:29 pm

Thanks so much for your replies, so much to think about with deciding education for 3. I'm glad everyone likes it so much, next year I just want to make it an educational and fun year for them all.

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