Hello! A while back I was on here, thinking about starting LHTH with my youngest when she was turning 2. In the end, hubby and I decided to be less formal for the time being, because she is "high-energy" LOL. Anyway, she is now a few months away from turning 3. I have a lot to be thankful for, because my husband is fully on board with homeschooling our baby

However, in researching curricula and homeschool styles, hubby is gravitating more toward Classical education than Charlotte Mason. It's to be expected, really, since he has a degree in choral conducting and plays piano

It's hard for me, though, having had such a positive experience with HOD, to want to consider anything else. I was considering a compromise, to which he is amenable, of using another popular curriculum that is somewhat Charlotte Mason but with heavy Classical leanings

but every time I look at HOD, it tugs at my heart because of the sweet memories my children and I share. The one thing I don't want to do is to endlessly curriculum-hop like I did with my older children. I want to start a program and finish it joyfully! I know the first answer is prayer, but I welcome any other suggesitons, or success stories, lol.