Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

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Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by Natalija » Fri Apr 17, 2015 1:43 am

I have been using Heart of Dakota for 3 years already. We love it a lot!
I have a very delicate issue to discuss though. Lately I have been interested in learning more about American history in the light of the Bible. I have changed my view on how really Christian was the way the colonists took the land. I have come to conclusion that America was founded not so much on the Christian principles, as it was mostly on tears and blood. Not all the history has been negative though ( for example William Penn DID really behave like Christian about settling in here and getting the land from Indians using godly way of doing it ). Well, in short, I would like to cultivate non-resistant, anti-war philosophy in my son's worldview. I do not believe that colonists wars were led with God's approval or blessing.
We are almost done with LHFHG, and found that the history part is a bit on the patriotic side, praising the colonist's leaders who led the wars, making them heroes in our eyes. I do not think they were good Christian heroes. Everybody on this board certainly has their own opinions on these matters. I just wander how patriotic the next history books are. Do you think we can combine our anti-war philosophy and the proposed history curriculum the following years?
I would love to hear from all of you! More so from people with anabaptist point of view on this issue.
Thank you for your advice and thoughts!

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by Nealewill » Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:56 am

I have not completed any of the American history guides for the older ages but I have completed (or practically completed) Little Hearts, Beyond Little Hearts, Bigger and Preparing. I think with anything, it is always difficult to find anything that lines up with everything you believe 100% of the time. For the younger ages, they definitely take everything and usually put a patriotic slant on it. However, especially since you are reading these books to your child directly, this is a great opportunity to tell them if you disagree. With Beyond, there were some readings toward the end of the year that talked about he pilgrims being scared and harmed by drunk Indians. There are also stories about General Washington (before he was president) and talked about them traveling the country side, stating what he and his men had to do to win some battles. There are other stories of battles as well between the colonists and the British. Realistically, and unfortunately, our entire history is saturated and smeared with blood. Many times people did make poor choices and that lead to destruction and death. As kids get older, it does seem like the book get more "real" and no longer are some of these patriotic themes so present. The themes go much deeper but the kids are older and can understand more too.

I would like to add though - a huge portion of next year talks about the pilgrims. It talks all about how they were treated in England, then their trip to Holland, and then their trip to North America. It was probably one of my favorite years out of HOD. I love the flow and it was absolutely fascinating. So for the first half of the year (or more), there wasn't a ton of talk on war that I can remember. This year in Bigger, there are some days that do talk about different battles and wars but it don't feel like it was excessive. It is very narrative in nature and we are just learning about this person or that person. In Preparing, I know there were a lot battles discussed but the first half of the year was old testament history. And again, there were a lot of wars - not from the "American" perspective - but there are a lot of battles and wars mentioned in the Bible.

DD 13 WG
DS 12 R2R
DD 10 R2R

Enjoyed DITHOR, Little Hearts, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, RevtoRev, MtMM

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by Motherjoy » Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:49 am

We've used all the guides, except CTC. Nealewill is correct, in that as the guides go on, there is more opportunity for discussion and there are more complex ideas introduced - nothing is black and white . Preparing, specifically, has the entire first half of the year discussing God's battle in bringing Jesus to the world, in the context of a war story. Grandpa's Box is the mainstay of the first half of that year, and may discuss war in a way that you are not comfortable with. The curriculum, as a whole, doesn't promote the doctrine that you believe in, so it may not be a good fit in the long run. While I wouldn't say that HOD glorifies war, it definitely doesn't back down from the idea of responsible, Christian people involving themselves in war. This is, in my memory, mostly present in the teaching of American history. However, for the independent guides, I wasn't able to read all of the books assigned, so I don't have a complete picture of all that was introduced.

It is hard to be constantly picking out the bones of something that you would otherwise like. I pray that you can find what you are looking for. :)
MJ, mom to 8
2015-2016 plan
*17yo is dual-enrolled after using HOD for 7 years
*11yo, 10yo, 9yo, and 7yo - CTC with modifications
*5yo, 4yo - LHTH
*3yo - playschool

Accomplished: LHTH, LHFHG, BHFHG, Beyond, PHFHG, RTR, Rev to Rev, MTMM, WG, WH

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by Natalija » Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:59 am

Thank you so much for taking your time. I will ponder on what u said. Heart of Dakota got dear to us. I will pray about using the history part. Have a blessed day!

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by raindrops » Fri Apr 17, 2015 12:53 pm

When we read history my son seems to realize on his own that how people conquered and forced and enslaved one another is wrong. History is history... How we interpret it is up to you and your son, whether you agree with what people did. It is hard to word what I want to say, with all the children's chattering in the background. I definitely do NOT glorify what went on in the beginning of this country's history. We read it and then discuss whether what happened was actually glorifying to God or not- it was done in God's name even, but does that mean it really represented who He is? My little guy always seemed shocked at what they believed was God's will back then. I just say make a good discussion out of it. Your tone of voice while reading is important too. I am not sure I actually answered your question. Are you looking for books that actively state that the wars and battles were wrong?
9 yr old boy in Preparing
6 yr old girl loving all things LHFHG

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by Natalija » Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:11 pm

Raindrops, this is actually very helpful. THank you. What happened in history is the fact, we just have to interpret it from the position of the truth of the NEW TESTAMENT. I guess I could use Rod and Staff, but we so get used to the materials of HOD, I would not want to change unless it is absolutely necessary.

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by gardenmama28 » Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:30 pm

I am just finishing up with teaching Beyond to my daughter. I had some concerns that are similar to yours - I wanted my children to understand both sides of colonization - both from the sides of the native people and the colonists. I didn't feel that all of the stories in the guide were ones that I was comfortable with. What I did, was I used Beyond for 80 % of the time. For the remainder, some of the stories I guided the discussion to direct my daughter to a worldview that I felt more comfortable with (talking about how the native people would feel about being colonized and having their land taken from them). Some stories I omitted completely because I didn't feel comfortable with them. On those days we worked on a geography course (we are canadian so it was canadian geography). On the whole I felt like the issues of colonization were handled quite delicately...... easily modified by me.

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by LovingJesus » Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:59 pm

We are doing Beyond right now. The Pilgrims book starts with the Pilgrims in England and the beginning of their church in a home. It then follows them through King James convicting them of the crime of not worshiping in the church of England to Holland as they sought to worship freely. It talks about their prayer meetings and coming to the conclusion God was calling them to America. They worshipped freely in Holland, but were having their children become like the Dutch. The facts that are portrayed about the Pilgrims in America I have read in other sources. Such facts as the Pilgrims paying the Natives for the land they settled on. The good relationship they had with the Natives for the following 50 years as both sides kept the promise to have peace with one another. It then goes into the fact that more and more settlers came from England. Not all of the new settlers were seeking religious freedom, and not all had good relations with the Natives. The Puritans, who like the Pilgrims, wanted to worship God freely and came from England to America for that reason. These men and women were Protestants. They also though had good relationships with the Natives, paid them for their land, and learned from them as well as shared with them. I have read these facts in many history books, and they are in the Beyond books. The Pilgrims book in Beyond does not get into the colonists, the Revolution, or any of that time period. It actually ends with some difficult stories when the Natives started to attack after their chief died and the 50 years of peace between the Natives and the Pilgrims ended.

The Pioneers and Patriots book is about early settlers, Pilgrims, one story on George Washington, and the Pioneers moving west. It doesn't go into the wars or starting of the American government or any of those issues this young.

My understanding has been that the early Pilgrims and Puritans and Ana-baptists all came to America for religious freedom and dealt with the Natives in Godly ways. I think any interpretation of history is going to slant towards a particular world view. I would encourage you to read Carrie's catalogue. It is very helpful in knowing where she is coming from regarding American History. I do agree with where she is coming from, and left other curriculums for not seeing eye to eye with the publisher, so I understand your concerns. I think reading her catalogues detailed descriptions for HOD American History programs might help you through this issue. The teaching of world view is ultimately up to each of us as parents, and I don't think any curriculum has to hinder that teaching. Some do though make it easier than others.
Last edited by LovingJesus on Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Completed HOD: LHTH, Beyond, portions of Bigger & Preparing, CTC, MTMM, DITHOR, WG, US History I

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by Natalija » Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:14 pm

Thanks a lot, people. Wealth of input. I grew up in Russia and we learned a lot of misinformation about history. I want my son learns the history strictly in the light of teachings of Jesus and His apostles. The New Testament is very different from Old Testament as for the issue of war and self-defense. Christ came and we are not of this kingdom but of His Kingdom. We are to love and feed enemies not to kill them. We are to obey the king and to pay taxes which are due to him. Rebels and revolutionaries are not going to be role models for my son. But those who love enemy and preach Gospel to them. Those who love the king and pay him due taxes. Those are real examples I want my son to follow. I will just teach him materials and look at the facts in the right light. I will omit patriotic sentiments;)

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by crlacey » Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:37 am

I understand not wanting to teach young ones about wars. I also understand wanting to teach them to be peaceful and loving trying to emulate Christ's example. But I also think that we cannot teach history without including the wars. They are usually a very important turning point in that country's (or even the world's) history. Certainly not every colonist was a Christian, and those that were did not always make the right decisions, but I do think that our country had a lot of Christian influence during it's forming and early years. Of course our founding fathers were just fallen men who made many mistakes. They didn't always do it God's way, but that doesn't change the fact that they had a very important part in our country's beginning.
Each person and family is entitled to their own views and opinions, but to leave out wars would also be a distorted view of history.
DD 20 married college graduate
DS 17 college student

Finished: LHTH, LHFHG, BLHFHG, BHFHG, PHFHG, CTC, Res to Ref, Rev to Rev, MTMM, parts of WG and WH

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by Natalija » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:55 pm

Yes, i agree we Have to teach history. But it is very important to teach about the wars and the historic figures in the light of the teachings of the New Testament. I am certainly not omitting the wars. Most countries were formed by wars, it does not make it right though and worthy of praise and definately we should not be a part of any war, all we can do during the wars to help those who is suffering because of them . I do believe though that governments are God's establishments, but we are not of this kingdom. We are going to continue with Hod History for now. Thank you for all response and input!

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by my3sons » Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:54 am

This really is an outstanding discussion! What a wealth of wisdom here already! :D Natalija, I'll just share that one of my very favorite things about HOD is that the guides plan for me to discuss things and interact with my dc each and every single day. This is my opportunity to share what is on my heart, and I take advantage of it all of the time. :D I love that my dc can see HOD plans for me to share, discuss, ponder, react, etc. to what is being read with them! My sons (who are not as prone to want to discuss things as I am - a male tendency, I believe :wink: ) can clearly see that HOD PLANS for this to be a meaningful part of our day. I do not rush, skip, or skimp on the things that are really personally important to us as a family. So, I view this as my responsibility - a blessing really in my eyes - to take the time to let our dc see a window into my heart as I teach and as I correct their work. I have cried over slavery, cried over the Trail of Tears, cried at our Savior's death and sacrifice for ME - for even ME, a sinner in need of such a Savior - and I have cried at the end of Grandpa's Box every single time I have read it. My poor dc have seen me cry over many things in our country's past!

But, they have also seen me rejoice over Christians triumphing through God's grace in impossible situations, they have seen me sing our National Anthem and tear up thinking about the brave soldiers who have defended and continue to defend our country today, they have seen me sing praises to our Savior over the eternal life His death gave us the gift of receiving, they have seen me thrilled our country was discovered and saddened about the way Christianity was brought to people - in short, history gives us the gamut of emotions, and I think we need to share that with our dc, even if they happen to be boys. :wink:

And so, our sons understand the injustice of what has happened in portions of history, and yet they can begin to see how all of history is truly "His story." They know that ultimately our Lord is Sovereign over all, and nothing happens without Him being on His throne. Our God is never dethroned nor taken by surprise by what is happening - past, present, or future. They are also glad to live in America. They know that being able to worship our Lord freely is a blessing not to be taken for granted. They know what people gave up, so we have that right. I'd encourage you to take advantage of the way HOD has planned the guides, and share your heart with your dc at every given opportunity! 12 years of doing this within HOD has kept our family close and focused on the goals we have personally set forth for our homeschooling. History is what it is, but with HOD, you have the chance to interact with your dc's hearts and minds! And they will be the better for it. I hope something here has helped, but I want to encourage you, HOD is Christ-centered first and foremost. The rest? Well, that is up to us - which is a parental blessing to be absolutely cherished.

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by Natalija » Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:31 pm

Thank u Julie for encouraging words :)

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Re: Doctrinal issue. Please,any advice?

Post by Natalija » Sat May 02, 2015 3:59 pm

Hi!thank you for sharing this, Julie! Just as I thought that I still can discuss it all with my son. :D There is a lot of mess in the human history, because it is worlds passions, desires and ways at work. There is no God's will in most of it. He will bring people to judgement for wrongs they committed. Good reminder for my son , that we should always remember we are not of this messy kingdom of the world. :D

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