* I am ministering to a girl who is a drug addict and thought she was on board with getting some help. I got her an application to get into a 2 year Christian program that can help with the addiction, help with her finishing her high school diploma by getting a GED, help with her getting a job so she can afford to live on her own, and then help her get into college if she wants. In addition, this program will most likely lead her to a relationship with God. I found out yesterday that she decided not to go into the program.

* I have 2 major large deadlines for work that I need to get 2 huge things completed. I am getting there but just prayers for stamina (I can see the light at the end of the tunnel). And now I just got a phone call for another rush item.

* Car trouble - my husband's gas tank fell off of his truck a few days ago. Thank the Lord he wasn't driving when he noticed it and it was cheaper to fix - $240. But now he needs a new muffler and probably a new battery

* I have always had teeth problems and have had to have lots of root canals and fillings. I went to the dentist today because the sinus in my right check has been hurting for a few days and my guess was that I needed another root canal. Turns out I have a cavity in a molar that wasn't bothering me. But then they found a cyst inside my gum that is pushing on my sinuses and is between the roots of two teeth. This is making one of my teeth very sensitive too because it is irritating the root of this tooth (the other tooth already had a root canal so that tooth doesn't hurt at all).
Honestly - I just feel overwhelmed! Even now, in this moment, I am in a horribly grouchy mood. That in turns leads to a short fuse and significant anger toward my kids, which obviously isn't their fault. But I am struggling so much to not be evil mom! I am worried about the cyst - although my family has a long history of cysts, me included - that it is not cancerous. A lady at my church just found out she has bone cancer of the back and she was early 40s. And I am also worried paying for all of this stuff....it is expensive! Finally, I am so busy right now that I don't really have time for all this stuff LOL. And my mouth just hurts. I don't like taking meds but I may end up agreeing to take something.
So - any prayers would be appreciated. I can already tell I am completely losing it. I know I should already call off my school day and that is making me mad. I am basically sitting her at the point of tears and just want to cry.