Message Board Favorites - post yours!

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Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by my3sons » Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:34 pm

This is a tribute to how amazing I find the HOD Message Board to be! :D I got some coffee and sat down to look through the board for some of my favorites, and hours later here are the findings! I've copied the thread title and the link, and given each thread an 'award' for why I chose it! :D :D :D I hope you will all join me by posting some of your Message Board Favorites here too! :)

AWARD GIVEN: Best Placement Discussion
Is it time to uncombine? UPDATE!
I love this thread because it shows how ladies on this board use their different success stories with placement to help others ponder the best placement for their families! Many different viewpoints were graciously given, and ladies shared pros and cons to each placement scenario, until the poster - our own bethelmommy - came to the decision of what she felt most led to do. Then, she gave that plan a trial run, had even more information about what would be best, and landed on the best placement moving forward. An added bonus for all of us - she took time to share an UPDATE! That always helps everyone feel so good about having helped!

AWARD GIVEN: Best Coming Home to HOD
Placement Dilemma
This is a super thread about checking to see if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, and returning to HOD with joy! Our own daybreaking openly shared her experience of giving textbooks a whirl, and then she asked some great questions of ladies on the board about looking with fresh eyes at placement moving forward. I just love how all worked together on this, and of course I love having daybreaking on the board!

AWARD GIVEN: Best Trip Down Memory Lane
Our Experiences with HOD
In this thread, our own snadig takes us on a heartfelt journey of her reflecting back on using various HOD guides. I just love her insights, and I also think that it is important for all of us to take time to celebrate the journey and take time to really notice progress! These kind of posts are so helpful, and they are a reminder that taking time to smell the roses rather than having the attitude to just 'get through the day' can really make all the difference in our attitude toward homeschooling!

AWARD GIVEN: Best High School Grading Discussion
Grading in the World Geography Guide. . . .
I used to think of grading high school work as a future homeschool high school teacher and almost hyperventilate (and I have a degree that would allow me to be a high school principal). :shock: :lol: :? This thread shows how HOD has planned help in place for grading in high school, how it really isn't as much of a stressor as we think it is going to be, and how Carrie carefully written high school guides so dc learning to function as high school students and parents learning to function as high school teachers are wildly successful!!! :D Two years into HOD high school, and my ds and I can confidently say, "We can DO this!"

AWARD GIVEN: Best Highly Anticipated Thread
Sneak Peeks 2014: New World History Guide
We were all checking the boards for these posts about the new high school World History guide! This was definitely the most highly anticipated thread of the year, and it did not disappoint! All of the sneak peeks into the new WH guide helped our message board be on the cutting edge of Carrie's writing! What an awesome way to get excited for what is to come! :D

AWARD GIVEN: Best Why Are You Using HOD? Discussion
Why and How Long?
What a good question! I just enjoyed reading everyone's responses to this thread. It is important to know why you are doing something to continue to feel successful doing it! These ladies know what they want, know what they're doing, and know where they're headed. Very encouraging!

AWARD GIVEN: Best Empathy for HOD Non-Users :wink:
I feel bad for other homeschooling moms!
Our own imercon posted a thought that is constantly running through my head - "I feel so bad for other homeschooling moms not using HOD!" Seriously, not joking. I talk with other homeschool moms that are stressed to the max homeschooling for various reasons... their kids are homeschooling on a computer all day long and they never interact with them, their kids are reading dry textbooks and don't want to read one more thing, their kids have no relationship with the Lord because their homeschooling is not Christ-centered, their kids are tired of worksheet after worksheet and test after test and are begging for hands-on activities, their kids are homeschooled in a setting other than their home by a teacher other than their mom and the moms feel like they don't know their kids at all, the moms are planning all weekend and prepping for school all night, the moms are running here or there for books/resources/materials that are not in their home, and the list goes on. I just want to hug them, and say, "Come on over to HOD!!! Homeschooling can be a JOY!" Yeah, I do feel bad for other homeschooling moms. All the more reason to share HOD with them! :D

AWARD GIVEN: Best Discussion on Use of Guides
Am I the Only One Who Has.....
I laughed out loud reading this thread! How you use your guides may change as you continue to homeschool - or it may remain the same! Anyway, great discussion about how HOD guides are used in the day to day! :lol:

AWARDS GIVEN: Oldies But Goodies
Let's Share Our Schedules!

Do You Chunk Your Boxes Or Disperse?

Best tips for peace, sanity, or really helpful stuff!

Why are you homeschooling? Knowing your goals:

Why do you “heart” HOD?

The Reasons Behind HOD's Choices:

A Series of Posts on Common Questions

All of the above threads have stood the test of time and are wonderful to reread, reread, and reread! Well, this was such FUN! I told Carrie I was doing this, and she is excited to see some threads you all enjoyed too!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by psreit » Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:59 pm

I am on my Kindle because my computer is being repaired. So, I'm not sure how to show the topic without just typing the title. There have been many posts that I have appreciated the past few years, but there are so many to look through:) However, there is one thread that I think of almost every time I log in. I have not forgotten something Julie said in that thread. The title is 'Encouraged By HOD Philosophy'. Julie said how the Austin's committed to not take the Bible out of the guides, even though they could make more money by doing so. It has stuck with me ever since I read that, and that has been one of the main reasons I use HOD. I began that thread because of two other threads I appreciated. One is entitled Charlotte Mason. The other is HOD - CM or Classical. Those were very enlightening for me. I believe it is the God-honoring spirit this curriculum reflects that kept me coming back even when I didn't know which way to turn when I was dealing with my daughter's challenges. God is central in HOD and He will bless because of it. :D
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. III John 4
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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by mothermayi? » Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:49 pm

The thread you posted of the lady's manual that is marked up made me have palpitations :D :lol: 8) . I just kept saying "Oh My! Her guide is ruined!" I could only look at it for a few seconds before I closed that thread. I must sound nuts :lol: . In my "defense", I am type A and a smidge compulsive and OCD when it comes to my books :D .
~Began HOD Oct. 28, 2013
DS13 (7th) HOD RTR, MUS, DITHR 6/7/8
DS11 (5th) HOD CTC, Singapore & LOF, DITHR 4/5
DD6.5 (1st) MFW 1, Miquon Math, LOF
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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by annaz » Sun Jan 04, 2015 6:01 pm

This is awesome. Can it be a sticky? :D
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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by Nealewill » Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:13 pm

I don't have any to add per se but these were really great! Thanks for posting this. It was really fun to read through some of them again. And agree with you mothermayi, I cracked up laughing at that lady with her guide. Did you see how she put highlighter tape on her book. I laughed out loud at that :-)

DD 13 WG
DS 12 R2R
DD 10 R2R

Enjoyed DITHOR, Little Hearts, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, RevtoRev, MtMM

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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by annaz » Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:54 pm

Lol on thehighliter tape. I didn't read that before. Funny!
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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by Nealewill » Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:45 am

I found one :-)

I referenced this post recently but love it. I had read several threads prior to deciding on HOD and this was probably one of my favorites as it relates to kids and their placement:
I give it the award: MOST PEACEFUL PLACEMENT

I love it because before finding HOD, my son has struggled with language. And for him, I wasn't sure if he was going to finish all the guides or not. I still don't know his path nor my oldest daughter as she struggles with reading sometimes. Regardless of whether or not we finish all of the guides, I know that they will still have a very rich and full education completing most of the guides :-)

DD 13 WG
DS 12 R2R
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Enjoyed DITHOR, Little Hearts, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, RevtoRev, MtMM

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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by psreit » Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:10 am


I hope I pasted this link properly, but as I was reading some old threads today, I went back and read this one. It is what inspired me to come back to HOD! :D So, I give this thread the award of MOST ENCOURAGING! :D
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. III John 4
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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by Tiffini » Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:12 pm

Thanks for posting this link, Pam. Both of the stories shared there helped and encouraged me tonight! I am really struggling these days with figuring out a plan for my almost 9 year old son. Because we adopted him at age 4 and English was his second language, we didn't know how much of his issues were from these things and how much were learning issues. Now, 4-1/2 years later, we believe that he is dyslexic and really struggles with reading fluency and comprehension - a LOT. He also struggles with language and finding the right words and being able to express himself. Learning is just really challenging. To hear that you are considering doing Bigger with your daughter in 6th grade really encourages me! I'm hoping he can be at that point by 6th grade. Since I have two kids who did Bigger in 3rd grade, it was hard for me to think that this would be okay. Do you mind me asking what you have done in the meantime to help Angie with hear learning issues. We are really just working on reading using an OG based program and trying to gain some comprehension skills as well. I am very open to suggestions! (Hope I didn't get too OT for this thread!)
DD (21 ) Graduated! Used HOD from 5th Grade through 12th Grade!
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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by psreit » Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:58 pm

Tiffini - I'm glad that thread encouraged you. I will PM you, but wanted to let you know that I ended up starting Bigger in November. It is a very nice fit for my daughter. I'm glad I didn't wait until next fall. Don't let age/grade worry you. When you decide to put your son in HOD, just place him where he fits and go forward from there. I'll be in touch soon.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. III John 4
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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by bethelmommy » Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:17 am

What fun! My board favorites for this year are:

Best History Philosophy Thread viewtopic.php?f=6&t=15572 I especially enjoyed Motherjoy's response.

Best HOD Guide Prep Post viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5531 This is an old thread that has been resurrected many times and with good reason. My3sons post of pics of getting ready for Bigger was invaluable to me this year as I prepped for this guide. It helped make the start of our year so smooth :) .
Grace and peace,
DS 14 MTMM, DITHOR 6/7/8
DD 13 Rev2Rev, DITHOR 4/5
DS 10 Bigger, DITHOR 2/3
DD 8 Beyond, Level 2 Book Pack
(Previously completed LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR, Rev2Rev, and DITHOR 2/3, 4/5)

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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by daybreaking » Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:07 am

Wow, Julie, I just realized my post was one of the ones you chose. That warms my heart! I fondly remember the dialogue, along with all the kind and wonderful help you and the other ladies provided, as I sorted through my situation. I was so impressed with the thought and time you and the other ladies put into your responses. I know of no other company that provides such hand-tailored, highly specific, guidance! I feel like I am part of a big, loving family, here! :)

Wife to one amazing husband and mother to two precious blessings from above:
ds21 & dd17

jenn in nc
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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by jenn in nc » Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:36 am

daybreaking wrote:I know of no other company that provides such hand-tailored, highly specific, guidance! I feel like I am part of a big, loving family, here! :)
Me too!

This is such a great thread! I'm loving reading through all the posts.

*ETA, the thread on marking up the guidebooks is hilarious. A good laugh at the start of the day is a very good thing! Thanks for all the encouragement and the laughs, ladies. :)
Jenn, mom to 10

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Re: Message Board Favorites - post yours!

Post by Homeschooling6 » Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:29 pm

Awe, my thread is one. I'm the lady giving you all heart attacks and hyper ventilating with the mark ups on the guides :mrgreen:

My kiddos are not so extreme these days :wink:

Agreeing with Bethelmommy, I loved the threads with how to set up the guides: Rev2Rev: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10291&p=81217&hilit ... ng6#p81217

Preparing: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10426

Bigger: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5531

And I loved, loved, the advice Carrie gave me with my eldest son. I sort of goofed up his years and Carrie helped get me back on the right track. I really appreciated the time she took to help me: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14916&p=105267&hili ... g6#p105267
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing

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