I am trying to wrap my head around the Singapore Math curriculum that the Heart of Dakota guides recommend. I have also been on the Singapore Math website looking at placement tests and I have a few questions that I was hoping you could clarify for me so here goes...
- 1. It appears that each level has a textbook and workbook. I am assuming that the workbook is consumable and the textbook is something that can be passed on to younger siblings. Is this correct?
- 2. I understand that the guides use the Primary Mathematics series. Is it the United States or the Standard version? According to the website, the standard version appears to be the newest editions?
- 3. How much "review" is given with Singapore each day/week? Are the new concepts introduced and then you move on to another new concept the next day or is it a week of review on the new topic?
- 4. One last question... Does the Singapore curriculum use quizzes and tests as a way to grade the student?