Well, let me give you the details...,
Friday I teach at a co-op all day and did not expect my order that quickly. Imagine my surprise when I walked through the door and saw all my boxes sitting there! My husband had a silly grin on his face.
However, we have friends down from the Chicago area and they were coming to dinner in about two hours. We were also have a bunch of teens over to eat and hang out with us, so I had to walk "BY" the boxes and get to work. My friend from Chicago is a homeschooler so I made the decision that this would just be one of our activities. She would help me open my boxes. (she's also my Olive Organized friend so she could help me organize them, LOL)
Let me just say, even her HUSBAND was going through my books and we started talking about history?!

Her name is Lani and she will be placing her order very soon!

I blogged the event!